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Bible Kids: Biblical animation videos on YouTube

To convey the Bible stories to children in an age-appropriate and exciting way: That is the goal of the videos from “Bible Kids”. There is a new film every week on the German-language YouTube channel.

One of the products under the “Bible Kids” brand are animated videos with biblical stories that last between two and ten minutes. These primarily tell events from the Old and New Testaments, for example about Joshua and Jericho or the conversion of Paul. But there are also other formats such as explanations of terms or music videos. There are now around 40 of these videos on the German-language YouTube channel online – and there are more every week. The videos are intended for children between the ages of three and eleven. Randi Reinhardt runs the German-language channel, has children of her own and is enthusiastic about sharing these important stories from the Bible in a child-friendly and modern format: “We are working with a team of volunteers from DCG to translate and dub the great content from BCC Media into German. Our aim is for German-speaking children to be able to experience the films in the same quality as the English original.”

Videos about biblical women popular

Randi also reveals which videos have been the most popular so far: “The videos about Christian holidays such as Easter, Christmas and Pentecost are of course very popular, as are the stories about Jesus in general. But many people were particularly interested in the animated videos about women from the Bible such as Lydia and Tabitha.”

Inspiring people to read the Bible through feature films

In addition to the animated films, BCC Media also produces biblical feature films with real actors in the “Bible Kids” series. This format is around 30 minutes longer and requires a lot more production effort. Elise Schöll, producer at BCC Media, explains why her organization goes to such lengths: “We want the children to experience the Bible stories in a way that tells them: ‘Wow, that really happened to real people like you and me!’ Because when the children see the Bible like that, they can apply the message to their own lives and then the gospel can work miracles.” This inspired her and her team to take the next step from the animated films to real-life film adaptations.

So far, the stories of Josiah and Esther have been published. For both, there is also an interactive concept with games and puzzles on the topic, which is particularly suitable for children’s services. Click here to go to Bible Kids’ “journey through time”.

Available for free on YouTube, the website and the app

BCC Media operates as a foundation financed by donations. All content is available free of charge on the websitein the app and on YouTube. Anyone who would like to support the valuable and important work financially can donate and thus enable new productions. And watching the content on YouTube, subscribing to it and forwarding it also helps to spread the good news of Jesus.

The app is available for free in the App Store and on Google Play:

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