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Bibi Breijman: ‘Without HG maybe pregnant for the second time’ | NOW

Bibi Breijman speaks to her Youtube Channel candid about the difficult pregnancy she had two years ago because she suffered from a complicated condition: hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). “Without HG, I might already have had a second pregnancy.”

“I really wanted to share something I have never told you before”, Breijman starts the video. “I didn’t want to scare women and girls who are expecting a baby, which is why I haven’t talked about it before.”

By a interview request from the ZEHG Foundation, 28-year-old Breijman now thinks otherwise. In her video, she talks about her experience with the pregnancy condition, which is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. HG is much more violent than normal morning sickness and is characterized by rapid weight loss, malnutrition and dehydration.

“It just really felt like I had been poisoned, it was a really bad feeling,” says Breijman. When that lasted four days, the YouTuber had to go to the hospital. She says she vomited five to six times an hour. “It wasn’t just morning sickness, it went on all day long.”

This lasted for five months and Breijman has been hospitalized several times.

“I’ll wait until I can handle it again”

The fact that her first pregnancy was so difficult has made Breijman think very carefully about when she wants a second child. “HG made sure I don’t have another child now. While I really wanted five or something.”

“I am also very afraid that I will get it again, I also assume that I will just get it again. That is why I really want to plan it this time. Then I can also explain to my daughter what is going on is hand. Without HG, I might already have had a second pregnancy. But I’m just waiting until I can get it on again. “

Breijman gave birth on November 24, 2018 to daughter Teddy, who she had with her friend Waylon. The singer told in an interview with last year AD that he would like more children. “If it was given to us, of course.”

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