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Biars-sur-Cère. Cine-encounter around a film censored for 50 years

An event at the Robert Doisneau Cauvaldor cinema in Biars-sur-Cère, Sunday November 21 at 6 p.m. The exceptional projection on the big screen of “The Golden Age” by Luis Buñuel, This surrealist tale of a passionate man and woman whose attempts to realize this passion are constantly thwarted by their families, the Church and bourgeois society is undoubtedly the most avant-garde cinematographic manifesto in cinema, at least the first feature film.

After the scandalous screening of the film on December 3, 1930, only one copy was saved through Aragon, crossed the Channel and was recovered by Nancy Cunard who will defend the film on London screens.

This film-meeting is a complement to the cultural action “Resurgence V: Infinite Liberty act II”, proposed by Cauvaldor, engaged in the footsteps of Nancy Cunard, woman of arts, letters and fights, at the crossroads of the before -guards from the first half of the twentieth century and the tremors of great history.

After the screening, at around 7.15 p.m., Guy Fillion, film teacher and honorary president of the Rencontres de Gindou Cinéma will come and discuss with the audience of the Robert Doisneau cinema to shed light on this major work, still as sulphurous and radical.

The entomologist Buñuel, observer of scorpions and other insects, has not finished dealing fatal blows to our self-righteousness by dissecting our human spawn.

Phone. 05 65 38 03 79.

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