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BFI Finance (BFIN) distributed dividends worth IDR 180 billion

BFI Finance GMS in South Tangerang, Monday (6/29/2020).

Reporter: Maizal Walfajri | Editor: Tendi Mahadi

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT BFI Finance Tbk (BFIN) decided to distribute dividends of Rp 180 billion or Rp12.00 per share for 2019 performance. The EGMS took place on Monday (29/6) in the format digitally via the Zoom Meeting application, with strict health protocols.

The amount of dividends distributed is around 25% of the 2019 net profit of Rp. 712 billion. The remaining net income for the fiscal year 2019 after the allowance for reserves of Rp 5 billion, will be recorded as retained earnings to strengthen the company’s capital.

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The dividends will be distributed to the shareholders registered in the Company’s Register of Shareholders as of 9 July 2020 at 16.00 WIB. This dividend will be paid on July 29, 2020.

“We recognize that 2019 was a difficult year for the finance industry which also had an impact on BFI Finance’s business performance. However, the Company managed to overcome obstacles with slick business performance and continued to distribute dividends as a tangible form of our commitment to the support of investors so far, “said Sudjono, Finance Director & Corporate Secretary BFI Finance in a written statement on Monday (29/6).

In addition to dividend distribution, the agenda of the Company’s EGMS is also the ratification of the 2019 Company’s Financial Statements which have been audited by Tanubrata Public Accountant Firm Sutanto Fahmi Bambang & Partners with a Fair Unmodified Audit opinion. Also ratifies the supervisory report of the Company’s Board of Commissioners.

Emit finance companies codenamed BFIN, it succeeded in closing the fiscal year 2019 with total revenue growth of Rp 5.2 trillion, up 4.4% from 2018 revenue, and maintaining Non-Performing Financing (NPF) at 0.85%. The performance continued until the first quarter of 2020 by printing new financing of Rp 4.0 trillion, up 20.7% year-on-year (yoy).

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Nevertheless, BFI Finance did not turn a blind eye to the occurrence of cases of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The company decided to tighten the distribution of new consumer financing in anticipation of problematic financing due to the pandemic.

“As long as the pandemic continues, we have no growth targets. The company will review after conditions improve, although now the community has gradually undergone activities new normal, “Said Sudjono.

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