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Béziers: extremely tense climate around the takeover of ASBH, Angelotti throws in the towel

This Friday, after several days of twists and turns concerning the acquisition of ASBH, René Bouscatel, who had been announced as future president by the shareholders, received threats. Louis-Pierre Angelotti, also threatened, decided to give up the project “definitively”. Clearly, things have gone wrong. The Emiratis, themselves, are always on the spot.

In recent days, passions are unleashed in Béziers around the acquisition of ASBH. And it goes far. According to our colleagues at actuu.fr, “heinous acts have occurred. And René Bouscatel, who is to take the presidency, was the victim of several anonymous calls in the middle of the night with various threats of intimidation”.

Other facts, concerning other stakeholders in the case, also took place … And we learned this Friday evening by AFP that Louis-Pierre Angelotti, project leader alongside Bouscatel, decided to give up definitively when the club resumes. The property developer and sponsor for 20 years, explained to have “suffered serious insults and unacceptable and unbearable threats”.

“It is our duty to call for calm”

For the three associations of Biterian supporters, it was time to express themselves and raise their voices. Rugbiterre, the COSF and the Banda Mescladis published a joint press release this Friday to say “Stop!”

“There is no doubt that the great family of Biterrois rugby wishes, for the most part, to work for the best interest of the club. But as in every family, it is regrettable to see that the dissensions, however legitimate they may be, lead to certain malicious behavior which harms men and their families, “write the supporters. “It is therefore our duty to call for calm”.

The mayor of Béziers, Robert Ménard, also called for appeasement this Friday. “Today, it is imperative to restore calm. To measure the consequences of the accusations made against the protagonists of the club. Comments made against those who have supported ASBH for so many years are unacceptable. No one should not forget – let alone insult! – those who gave their time, their energy and their money for this club, which is the soul of Béziers. To continue in this way is to hurt Béziers. I therefore call on everyone to come to their senses, to give everyone time to work, to present their project and to negotiate, “he said.

A meeting this Saturday June 27 in Paris

So what future for the Béziers rugby club? A meeting is to take place this Saturday, June 27, in Paris, between the lawyer of SASP Béziers Rugby and that of the Emiratis, returned in the race.

Maître Thierry Braillard, the Emirati’s lawyer, confirmed in a press release published this Friday, “the willingness of investors to enter into discussions with a view to acquiring the Béziers rugby club. And they undertake not to communicate any more officially on the process initiated only by the voice of their lawyer. The negotiation will remain strictly confidential. ”

The comments made in the media by Christophe Dominici, who enthusiastically “and with his guts” the project of recovery of the Emiratis, undoubtedly played …

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