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Beware, Vitamin D Deficiency Triggers These Health Problems

BUSINESS POTENTIAL – According to the latest study, if there is a shortage, vitamin D can cause risk osteoporosis higher levels, certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, and mood disorders.

Research scientists recently in the European Heart Journal said, cardiovascular disease should also be included in the list.

Researchers involved in the study looked at data on nearly 300,000 people, including blood pressure, heart imaging, gene variants and blood vitamin levels.

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They found that people with levels of vitamin D those who are lower than recommended are more likely to struggle with heart disease and high blood pressure compared to those with high blood pressure levels vitamin D which is enough.

Likewise, participants with the lowest concentrations had twice the risk of heart disease compared to the moderate number.

Deborah Kado, MD, Director of the Osteoporosis Clinic at UC San Diego Health, published research in the journal Nature that found people with impaired microbiome do not absorb vitamin D as much as those with higher overall microbiome diversity.

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According to him, combining healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise can optimize intake vitamin D in your body.

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