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Beware.. This is what fried chicken does to the human body!

Chicken is one of the most prominent sources of protein, and it is among the most common foods in the world, but this food may become very harmful if it is prepared in an unhealthy way, such as frying in oil.

According to Eat This, eating fried chicken is not without major health risks, as it contains a high percentage of trans fats.

And many restaurants offer fried chicken alongside french fries and soft drinks, and this matter makes matters worse, exacerbating the harm to health.

Fried chicken meals attract many customers, due to their low price, and because they are fast foods that can be eaten in a short period of time, similar to sandwiches.

According to health experts, fried chicken has very bad effects, including:

Raising the level of cholesterol in the blood:

Chicken pieces lose part of the liquids in their outer part, during the frying process, and become full of trans fats and what is known as bad cholesterol.

And if an individual eats more fried chicken, layers of fat will accumulate on the walls of the arteries, exacerbating the risk of heart disease.

Gradual weight gain:

If you are one of those who eat fried chicken constantly, then you are exposed to severe weight gain, because one meal includes a large number of calories, and its preparation takes place in oil, after it is buried in flour.

Sometimes, a small meal of fried chicken may be around 1,000 calories, which is roughly or more than half of an individual’s calorie needs per day, at most.


Foods that lead to weight gain directly lead to diabetes, which means that a chronic disease lurks in those who eat fried chicken a lot.

This is without talking about the custom of serving fried chicken with bread and soft drinks that contain a very high percentage of sugar.

mood swings

Eating fried chicken affects the production of bacteria that the human digestive system needs in order to function well.

According to the site, the interaction of hormones that occur in the body, after eating fried chicken, leads to mood disturbance.

Increased chance of death:

A previous study published in the British Journal of Medicine revealed that women who ate a meal of fried chicken at least once per day had a 13 percent higher risk of death compared to women who did not eat any fried food.

Thus, cutting down on eating fried chicken to only once a week would help people live longer and enjoy better health.

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