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Beware, stress can trigger a stroke

TIME.CO, JakartaFatigue Prolonged exposure will affect the way the brain works so that sufferers are more susceptible to mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and depression. Not only that, a psychiatrist from the National Central General Hospital (RSUPN) Cipto Mangunkusumo, Dr. Gina Anindyajati, SpKJ, said that prolonged stress not only negatively impacts mental but also physical health, so that sufferers get sick easily.

“People who experience prolonged stress get sick more easily, including physical pain,” says Gina.

He explained that when people experience stress, the body will produce excessive stress hormones that cause inflammation in the body’s cells. Additionally, stress hormones will cause people to suffer from chronic fatigue. Hence, his metabolism and stamina will also decrease.

Risk of stroke
One of the fatal conditions that can be experienced by people with prolonged stress is the blockage or rupture of blood vessels which carries the risk of stroke.

“When the stress hormones are released, these hormones will work in certain parts of the body, one of which is the blood vessels. When the stress hormones act in the blood vessels, they cause inflammation in the blood vessels, increasing the susceptibility to plaque formation.” . Gina explained. “When fat or plaque builds up in blood vessels, it will cause blockages. When blood vessels are blocked it can happen. stroke. That’s why stressed people are more prone to physical pain. ”

According to Gina, stress really became a big problem during the COVID-19 pandemic. She said the Association of Psychiatric Specialists (PDSKJI) had collected data on mental health through a self-control questionnaire.

She explained that in the past two years as many as 14,988 people have accessed self-control on the official PDSKJI website, 75.8% of whom are women. From the self-exam results, 75 percent indicated they had psychological problems, ranging from problems with anxiety, depression, the desire to harm themselves or even commit suicide.

Read also: Yoga postures suitable for relieving stress before bedtime

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