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“Beware of XLoader: A New Android Threat Targeting Your Photos and Texts”

Beware of XLoader: A New Android Threat Targeting Your Photos and Texts

In today’s digital age, malware threats are becoming increasingly common, and it seems like there’s a new one popping up every day. The latest threat that Android users need to be aware of is called XLoader, and it’s after your precious photos and texts. This malicious software has been around since 2015 but has recently become even more dangerous.

What is malware?

Before we dive into the details of XLoader, let’s first understand what malware is. Kurt ‘CyberGuy’ Knutsson, an expert in cybersecurity, explains that malware is any software designed to disrupt the system of its intended target. It can give hackers access to your data, leak sensitive information, and take control of your privacy and security.

The XLoader malware strain

According to McAfee, XLoader, also known as MoqHao, has been targeting Android users in the US, Europe, and Asia since 2015. This malware is capable of running in the background once it infects your device, stealing sensitive data such as photos, text messages, contact lists, and even hardware details. It has evolved over time and has become more adept at infiltrating Android devices.

How does XLoader get onto your device?

What makes XLoader particularly dangerous is its ability to bypass traditional phishing scams that rely on suspicious files or links. Instead, it uses a technique called “smishing,” where scammers send malicious links via text messages. To increase their chances of success, they often gain access to a phone number that has your contact information and target you from there.

There are two ways XLoader can infect your Android device:

1. Clicking on a malicious link: The unsuspecting victim receives a text message with a shortened link that appears legitimate. If they click on the link, it directs them to download an Android APK file, which is used to sideload apps outside the official Google Play Store. By bypassing Google’s security measures, XLoader can quickly infect the device.

2. Falling for a Google Chrome decoy: In some cases, users may choose to launch the app themselves. XLoader disguises itself as Google Chrome and displays a familiar-looking pop-up asking for permissions. If the user grants access, XLoader gains control over their SMS and can silently steal their photos, texts, and other sensitive data.

Protecting your Android from XLoader and other malware

Now that you understand how XLoader works, it’s crucial to take steps to protect your Android device. Here are some tips:

1. Avoid sideloading apps and shortened URLs: Refrain from installing apps from unofficial sources and clicking on shortened URLs in messages, as these are common ways malware is distributed.

2. Be cautious with permissions: Exercise caution when granting permissions to apps. Consider whether an app truly needs access to certain device functions or data.

3. Limit the number of apps on your phone: Having too many apps increases the risk of malware exposure. Regularly review and uninstall unnecessary apps to reduce vulnerabilities.

4. Download reputable apps: Stick to downloading apps from reliable and legitimate developers. Read reviews and do some research before installing any app.

5. Keep your software up to date: Regularly update your phone’s software and security measures. These updates often include patches to fix vulnerabilities and protect against new threats.

6. Install antivirus software: To ensure comprehensive protection against malware like XLoader, consider installing antivirus software on all your devices. This will prevent you from clicking on potentially malicious links and keep hackers from accessing your personal information.


As malware threats continue to evolve, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and take proactive steps to protect your devices. XLoader may currently be targeting Android users, but it’s only a matter of time before it expands to other platforms. By following best practices and implementing robust security measures, you can safeguard your data and privacy from these malicious attacks.

So, stay vigilant, be cautious with suspicious links and downloads, and invest in reliable antivirus software. With the right precautions, you can keep your Android device safe from threats like XLoader and enjoy a worry-free digital experience.


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