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Beware of this very common symptom which can be the antechamber of a tumor

Sometimes the body sends alarm bells that are not to be ignored. This is the case of a problem that affects many Italians. Here is the signal not to be underestimated.

Beware of this very common symptom which can be the antechamber of a tumor

It happens that small health problems lead to serious consequences. Especially if you ignore them. An example above all: a pimple on a particular spot on the body can be lethal.

This does not mean that one should become alarmist. But if a problem persists, seeing a doctor is important. This is the case with swollen and bleeding gums. Beware of this very common symptom which can be the antechamber of a tumor.

Swelling and blood loss signal gingivitis. Especially when accompanied by sensitivity to heat and cold, red and sore gums and bad breath.

Gingivitis is nothing more than inflammation of the gums, caused by a buildup of plaque. But, if neglected, it becomes periodontitis. This, in turn, can lead to serious health problems. A recent study reveals it.

The scientific study

One explores the consequences of periodontitis studio led by researchers from the University of Washington. Experts have found that people react differently to plaque buildup. There are those who are more at risk of contracting severe inflammation.

Furthermore, scientists suggest that untreated periodontitis could have dire consequences. Not only does this chronic inflammation damage the tissues and bones that support the teeth (causing them to fall out). It can also lead to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and intestinal problems. There is even a risk of a tumor.

For this reason, Dr. Darveau, one of the authors of the study, underlines the importance of oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing help prevent plaque buildup. They also allow good bacteria to populate the mouth and fight inflammation. This protects the health not only of the teeth, but of the whole organism.


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