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Beware of this misleading report from an Alsatian hospital on the number of vaccinated in reaction

To believe the opponents of the anti-Covid-19 vaccination, the proof of its ineffectiveness – and of the significant presence of vaccinated patients in intensive care – would have been made public a few days ago on social networks … thanks to the dissemination of ‘an internal document at an Alsatian hospital.

“Situation update [6 décembre 2021] at the Haguenau Hospital Center: out of 8 patients in intensive care, 7 are vaccinated. Stop the propaganda ”,“ This is the reality of hospitals… ”, affirm in particular two viral tweets, among others, relaying the same document.

This “report”, the header of which includes the logos of the member establishments of the Nord-Alsace hospital cooperation, to which the Haguenau hospital center (Alsace) belongs, indicates in its statement of December 6, 2021: “On the 8 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care (including 7 vaccinated), 6 are ventilated invasively. 13 out of 16 patients are ventilated, so there is little possibility of discharge, which affects the operative activity. “

“These forecasts are given to the entire hospital community to take into account vaccine failures, which even with a complete vaccination schedule (sic), and remind people to respect barrier gestures”, he continues.


Contacted by 20 Minutes, the Haguenau Hospital Center refers us to
a press release published on its website Monday, December 20 in the evening. If the establishment recognizes the authenticity of the document circulating on social networks, it deplores that “this summary report of the debates taking place in the Covid cell” was “widely disseminated and obviously instrumentalised without the elements allowing to understand it. the content has not been reproduced ”.

And the establishment to detail the profile of the patients concerned: “It turns out that on December 6, 2021, 8 patients, including 7 vaccinated, were present in intensive care. However, among the vaccinated patients, 3 were immunocompromised with an immunosuppressive treatment, treatment which significantly decreases the effectiveness of the vaccination by lowering the production of antibodies ”. “Three other patients (were) at the end of the vaccination schedule, not yet having received their booster dose [la 3e] and (the last) patient (had an) incomplete or doubtful vaccination schedule (…) ”, continues the Haguenau Hospital Center.

As of December 20, 9 Covid patients in intensive care, including 8 unvaccinated

The establishment also took advantage of this update to communicate the most recent figures for its intensive care unit. As of December 20, there were 9 Covid patients in intensive care, including 8 unvaccinated and one immunocompromised vaccinated.

“Of the 25 Covid patients hospitalized in medicine, 13 are not vaccinated”, further specifies the Hospital Center, stressing that 10 of the 12 vaccinated patients have “a medical history favoring the progression to a severe form in the event of infection Covid ”.

And the establishment to conclude that “these elements corroborate the latest data “From the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) showing that” an unvaccinated person with Covid is more than three times more likely to be hospitalized and 4.6 times more likely more risk of being taken care of in critical care than a vaccinated person. “

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