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Beware of these symptoms which could hide a very common ailment

Doctors and nutritionists do nothing but recommend that we drink at least two liters of water a day.
Drinking enough is important to ensure the proper functioning of vital organs. Water also acts as a purifier for our body, which is essential for staying healthy and fit.
However, very often we do not supply enough water to our body with the consequence of dehydrating it. This problem affects everyone, but the people most at risk are the elderly, children and sportspeople. Let’s see what are the alarm bells that the body sends us due to dehydration.

Beware of these symptoms which could hide a very common ailment

First, difficulties are felt in both lacrimation and sweating. Many underestimate these two aspects which instead are the first signals that the body sends us when it is in shortage of water. Similarly, a very obvious sign is the presence of very dark colored urine.

Physically and probably also aesthetically, there are parts of the body that first show signs of dehydration. These are definitely dry skin, lips and hair.

Other equally alarming symptoms are the appearance of muscle cramps, increased heart rate and the feeling of fatigue.

So beware of these symptoms which could hide a very common ailment. Now let’s see what are the consequences of a dehydrated body and how to prevent them to avoid worse damage.

The consequences of dehydration

A dehydrated organism is a suffering organism. The absence of sweating can lead to a drastic increase in body temperature, with the well-known consequences of very high fever. On the other hand, lack of water can create problems for blood circulation and compromise the proper functioning of the heart. In the worst cases, a malfunctioning heart results in the cardiovascular collapse.

The importance of prevention

Prevention, in this as in most cases, is essential.

It is not necessary to follow many rules, but only one, simple and at the same time fundamental: drink. You need to drink water not only when you are thirsty, but throughout the day. You should get into the good habit of always having a bottle of water with you and sipping it every hour.

A small rule can prevent big and unpleasant consequences.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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