Home » today » Health » Beware of these medicines: “don’t keep them in these places!”

Beware of these medicines: “don’t keep them in these places!”

Hold i medicines at home it is obviously one of the most frequent things that can happen. We all clearly have at home a pack of at least one drug that we can use when needed or maybe every day if we suffer from some pathology. At this point, however, we need to know where to store medicines. Some places that we use daily could in fact ruin the various effects making them even dangerous to health.

For this reason, you must always inquire about how to store in home various packages of medicines. In fact, we must never underestimate the position or the drawer where we keep the drug. A mistake of this kind, or perhaps a simple underestimation of the position, could compromise not only the drug in question but also our health.

AIFA tries to put everything in order with its decalogue that contains advice on where to keep and store the various medications. In fact, the most dangerous season, first of all, is summer. Heat can easily deteriorate our medications and for this reason we need to be more careful. Let’s go anyway to see which are the expert advice to understand what to do all year round.

First of all, our aim must always be to be able keep the product intact. To do this, we absolutely must not think that we can keep the medications in any position or drawer of our home. You should always find a cool, dry place. Furthermore, the temperature must always be below 25 degrees but for this topic it will still be necessary to read the package leaflet: some drugs may in fact require to be kept in the cold, perhaps in the refrigerator.

A drug badly preserved could be harmful to our health not so much because it becomes dangerous in itself, but because it can easily lose those qualities that allow it to have positive effects on our body. In this regard, we must be very careful about the preservation of drugs liquids: these are the ones that can suffer most from temperature variations and for this reason the wrong storage of a liquid drug it could lead us to throw it away after a short time.

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