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Beware of these joint pains – here’s what they can mean

Joint pain is a common cause in countless people and can strike at any age. There are some due to particular pathologies, while others may only be due to minor trauma or even to a simple inflammation. In any case, joint pains are more and more frequent, we know better what they can derive from.

Joint pains: pay attention to what they can mean

First of all it is better to specify what is meant by joint pain. These manifest themselves with very clear symptoms such as difficulty in moving the affected limbs, a sense of stiffness and even swelling on the affected part.

Some of these pains are due to specific pathologies, one above all is osteoarthritis, much more developed in people with an advanced age, but it is certainly not the only pathology that is due to joint pain.

In fact, they can also be the cause of acute tendonitis, in this case the most common symptom is a strong burning sensation and the difficulty of performing even simple movements such as walking. If the tendonitis is really serious you need to pay close attention, because in some cases it is necessary to resort to surgery to eliminate it completely.

One of the most dangerous pains is systemic lupus erythematosus. This is an autoimmune disease that affects women the most.

It manifests itself in milder cases simply with inflammation of certain parts of the skin and joints. However, cases can also be much more serious, affecting vital organs such as the heart and ruining the nervous system.

To date both the causes of this pathology are unknown and consequently there are no certain cures.

Sporadic joint pain

Fortunately and as already mentioned there are also joint pains that should not worry because they are due to simple trauma such as fractures due to an accident, simple inflammation due to fatigue or even physical efforts to which our body is not used.

In most of these cases just a little rest, some ointment, anti-inflammatory or in the case of fractures to a cast.

After a short time everything will return to normal.

When to see your doctor

There will be a need to contact your doctor when joint pains are no longer sporadic but frequent, in which case the same doctor can arrive at a precise diagnosis after specific tests such as an x-ray or magnetic resonance, but also an ultrasound.

Once the checks have been carried out, the orthopedist, having a precise picture, will know which therapy will be able to solve the problem.

It is possible to resort to the use of drugs in case of joint pain due to pathologies or to simple sessions of re-educational therapies such as massages on the affected joint area.

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