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Beware of the Frommer Legal Warning Regarding the Barbie Film

Warning from Frommer because of BARBIE film

The law firm Frommer Legal is currently sending out a variety of Warnings to the movie “Barbie” due to copyright infringement. The Frommer Legal warning is issued on behalf of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

The person warned is said to have illegally traded the film “Barbie” on the Internet. Therefore, injunctive relief and damages are demanded.

Film “Barbie”

“Barbie” attracted tons of fans to the cinemas in the summer of 2023 and is already the most successful film in 2023. Over 3 million tickets were sold in Germany – it grossed over $1 billion worldwide.

Allegation in the Frommer Legal warning

Frommer Legal accuses internet connection owners of illegally downloading “Barbie” at home. At the same time, the film is said to have been shared/exchanged with other users via a download platform. This is so-called file sharing. Programs that are used for this include: B. PopCorn Time, Shareaza and eMule.

A notice:

Even with supposed ones Streaming Services it is about Filesharing-Programme, z. B. Time4Popcorn and Isoplex.

Demands in the Legal Frommer warning

Cease and desist declaration, damages (€700), reimbursement of legal fees

Caution: Risky (!) cease and desist declaration

The warning is accompanied by a pre-formulated cease and desist declaration that is subject to a penalty. However, we strongly advise against signing this pre-formulated cease and desist declaration!

Next to the high financial risk in the future, There is also a risk that this can result from a hasty signature Acknowledgment of guilt to give away.

Repeated file sharing – even if unconsciously – can trigger a hefty fine. This risk should be avoided if possible. Especially if the accusation is unfounded.

Respond cleverly to Frommer Legal warnings

In case you also have one Warning received from Munich, we recommend the following first steps:

Keep calm!Don’t sign & don’t payGet free immediate help from a specialist

You can also use our warning check and benefit from the years of experience of our lawyers! At a Pious legal warning we are the right contact.

Exit strategy

If the accusation is justified, we can negotiate an out-of-court settlement with Legal Frommer or Warner Bros. Our settlement professional can help! We’ll take care of it negotiations and achieve a good economic result for you!

Lawyer & settlement professional David Werner defended and negotiated since 2017 for those affected and is very familiar with Frommer Legal warnings. Use this to your advantage Advantage.

Service SFW Baumeister & Partner:

Immediate telephone assistance, free initial assessment, nationwide representation

We look forward to your call! Tel 030 5858 393 11

2023-10-28 19:22:33
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