Home » today » Health » Beware of the dangers of DHF in view of the rainy season, here’s how to prevent it

Beware of the dangers of DHF in view of the rainy season, here’s how to prevent it

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Beware of danger DDB extension rainy season. The rainy season is pouring into Jakarta and other areas of Indonesia.

Not only does it disturb the community with the presence of floods, but it also increases the risk of spreading diseases that accompany the rainy season such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also said that the floods could indirectly cause an increase in diseases transmitted by vectors or disease-carrying animals such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas, snakes and rats.

It might seem that heavy rains and floods discourage mosquito breeding, but the suckers will reappear when the waters recede. Stagnant water due to rain or swollen rivers can be a refuge for freely breeding mosquitoes.

Also, mosquitoes can spread various diseases, one of which is dengue. This is the danger of DHF in the rainy season.

Launching Jakarta Health Service official website, DHF is an infectious disease, which is spread through vectors or intermediaries, i.e. mosquitoes Temples of the Egyptians.

The geographical and climatic conditions of Indonesia, i.e. rainy and dry seasons, seem to be suitable for the reproduction of this mosquito. Also, during the rainy season like now, there is a lot of stagnant water which is the medium through which mosquitoes lay their eggs.

These mosquitoes usually attack during the day and in the evening, both inside and outside the house. The Aedes mosquito breeds in standing water and rarely flies more than 200 meters from a breeding area.

DHF generally begins with symptoms of a sudden fever accompanied by pain, aches, headaches, and even nausea. If the fever persists for two or three days, the patient is advised to seek immediate medical attention. Early examination should be done immediately so it can be managed quickly.

In addition to maintaining proper environmental hygiene, there are many other ways to prevent dengue as well. Here are some of them.

1. Wear closed clothes

To reduce the amount of skin exposed to Aedes aegypti mosquito bites, wear closed clothing such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks. You can also wear a hat when traveling in risky areas.

2. Use mosquito repellent

Use a 10% concentration of mosquito repellent. diethyltoluamide (DEET). DEET is known as the most effective insect repellent.

3. Do not use perfume

Strong smelling soaps and perfumes are generally very attractive to mosquitoes.

4. Don’t go out in the afternoon

To avoid the passage of mosquitoes, try not to go out in the evening until or before sunset and in the early morning or after sunrise.

5. Avoid standing water

Mosquito Temples of the Egyptians breed in stagnant water. Controlling and avoiding standing water can help reduce your risk.

Storing buckets upside down, reducing excess water content in plant pots, and changing the water in flower pots can be several ways to prevent dengue fever during the rainy season.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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