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Beware of ruptured blood vessels in the brain, the symptoms start from pain around the eyes

JAKARTA, iNews.id – Condition brain aneurysm often ignored by many people. In fact, this condition is very dangerous if not treated early.

Brain aneurysms are not widely understood by the public. However, it is estimated that around 500,000 people die each year from this disease.

Head of Neurosurgery at the National Brain Center Hospital (PON), dr. Abrar Arham said, a brain aneurysm is a condition in which the walls of the brain blood vessels widen or protrude (ballooning) due to the weakness of the blood vessel walls.

If the aneurysm ruptures, it can lead to fatal conditions, namely cerebral hemorrhage (subarachnoid) and brain damage. This aneurysm rupture is estimated to be experienced by 1 person every 18 minutes.

“Brain aneurysms can happen to anyone, and generally before the aneurysm ruptures there are no symptoms, so it is recommended to do regular brain check-ups,” said dr. Abrar through his virtual description recently.

According to Dr. Abrar, brain aneurysms have a big impact. It doesn’t always end in death. However, the quality of life of the sufferer is also a challenge for the family. Disability, treatment, labor, and large costs are important factors that need to be understood by people with brain aneurysms.

That’s why, in 2021, Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month which falls in September, has the theme ‘Raising Awareness, Supporting Survivors, Saving Lives’.

“In addition to increasing public awareness of brain aneurysms, the quality of health services in Indonesia must also be improved in order to be able to detect early, conduct prevention education, and comprehensive management of aneurysms, especially in patients who have experienced brain aneurysm rupture, or it would be better if it can be treated before the aneurysm is diagnosed. broke,” said Dr. Abrar Arham.

He explained that the National Brain Center Hospital (PON), currently handles approximately 100 cases of brain aneurysm each year. Handling cases of brain aneurysm requires multidisciplinary collaboration involving neurosurgeons, neurointerventionists, neurologists, intensivists, and so on.

“In addition, we need a variety of equipment and supporting facilities that are adequate and up to date so that we can handle cases of brain aneurysms with a fairly good success rate,” said Dr Abrar.

Aneurysm treatment, he continued, can be done by several methods, including microsurgical surgery (aneurysm clipping) or minimally invasive endovascular technique (coiling aneurysm). To evaluate in detail this brain vascular abnormality, a DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) examination is needed, the results of which can help determine the best type of therapy to treat aneurysm cases.

Editor : Vien Dimyati

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