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Beware of re-infection of Covid-19 if not vaccinated

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The immunity of COVID-19 survivors who are not vaccinated will not last long so reinfection COVID-19 can occur, even in less than three months. That’s according to a study conducted by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

“Re-infection can occur naturally in three months or less,” said Jeffrey Townsend, professor of biostatistics at Elihu and lead author of the study. Medical Xpress.

Therefore, people who have been infected corona virus must be vaccinated. According to Townsend, previous infections cannot provide long-term protection against subsequent infections.

In a study published in the journal The Lancet Microbe Meanwhile, Townsend and his team analyzed reinfection and immunological data from close relatives of the coronavirus that causes the flu, as well as immunological data from SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). As a result, they found, reinfection of COVID-19 can and has occurred shortly after recovery. The condition will become more common when immunity is reduced and new variants of the corona virus appear.

Alex Dornburg, assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, who co-led the research, said when new variants emerged the previous immune response became less effective at fighting the virus. This is why those infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to be reinfected in the near future. Unlike the flu that a person can experience from one year to the next, COVID-19 proved much more lethal.

Also read: Beware of Corona Virus Re-infection in Owners of These 5 Diseases

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