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Beware Of Ransomware Attacks, Know Its Features

IDXChannel – Cyber ​​crimes are common nowadays. You must always be on the lookout for such attacks, one of them Ransomware.

Ransomware is malware which targets hardware to obtain valuable user information and encrypts everything it finds. Then lock the file.

Next, the ransomware will display a message demanding payment to recover and restore data.

If the victim of the ransomware pays the requested ransom, one of several scenarios will occur. First, in some cases, sometimes the ransomers send the decryption key with instructions.

Second in some ransomers just take the victim’s money and then disappear. While in some cases, even cybercriminals can’t recover data even if they wanted to, some ransomware damage files permanently.

Ransomware can enter your computer in a number of ways. For example, when plugging in an infected flash drive or downloading something from a malicious website.

Emails with malicious attachments or links to malicious sites are the most common source of infection. The most unpleasant aspect of many ransomware programs is their ability to spread across devices on the same network.

That means if your home desktop is infected with malware, it’s likely to infect your laptop as well. And a single piece of ransomware on a work device can stop all communications within the company.

So what to do if the data is already encrypted?

Quotes Kaspersky in a written statement, Saturday (4/9/2021), the main thing is not to panic. Because even if this is a bad situation, it’s not impossible to recover files again.

Also, never pay the ransom. Any ransom payment will be used for future malware development and signaling to cybercriminals that the scheme is still profitable.

Even if you pay the ransom, it doesn’t guarantee you get your data back. Use the Crypto Sheriff service on the No More Ransom website to find out what malware has infected your data.

A decryptor may already be available for that, in which case you can use it to recover your data again without spending a dime. No More Ransom, which is backed by Europol and various anti-cybercrime companies, hosts dozens of decryptors.

If you can’t find a decryptor for the ransomware that attacked you, keep checking, because it’s probably released every day. (NDA)

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