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Beware of Measles Cases, Makassar Health Office Reminds Residents

Makasar, IDN Times – The Makassar City Health Office (Dinkes) appealed to the public to be aware of measles cases. This is because the case of measles has now become an extraordinary incident (KLB) in a number of provinces in Indonesia.

Head of the Makassar City Health Office, Nursaidah Sirajuddin, said that one of the efforts to prevent measles is from the family environment. The trick is to apply Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS).

“The most important thing for the prevention of measles is how they practice PHBS in the family, environment and community settings,” Nursaidah told IDN Times by telephone, Sunday (22/1/2023).

1. 16 suspected cases were recorded during 2022

measles illustration (itg.be)

The Makassar City Health Office recorded 16 cases of suspected measles cumulatively in 2022. However, upon examination, the results were negative.

“Related to the measles case in 2022 there are indeed suspects. But we have sent samples of 16 to the center, the results are all negative,” said Nursaidah.

Since entering 2023, the Health Office has not found any reports of measles or suspected cases in Makassar City.

2. Puskesmas asked to be on alert

Beware of Measles Cases, Makassar Health Office Reminds Residents about CleanlinessIllustration of a health center in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. IDN Times/Asrhawi Muin

Nationally, cases of measles in Indonesia have reportedly increased 25-fold over the past year. This is also a concern of the Makassar City Health Office even though there is no case record yet.

As a precaution, the Health Office has instructed all health centers in Makassar City to be on the lookout for measles cases. Community health centers must be on standby if they find a patient with measles symptoms.

“Symptomatic treatment, for example fever or itching, is given medication. Apart from that, taking samples to be sent. Because if one is confirmed to have measles, we must be vigilant because the transmission will certainly be fast,” said Nursaidah.

3. Maximize health promotion

Beware of Measles Cases, Makassar Health Office Reminds Residents about Cleanlinessinfographic on how to wash your hands properly (IDN Times/Sukma Shakti)

The Makassar City Health Office also maximizes health promotion including education about PHBS in all settings. Apart from that, health protocols are still being maximized like during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Measles is currently rife in Indonesia. So we will continue to maximize health promotion at each health center and continue to maximize measles vaccines for children according to their age,” he said.

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