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Beware of frozen pizza and breakfast cereals…they can cause death!

Warnings about the dangers of eating Ultra-processed foods They are industrially produced and free from whole foods, and are usually ready to eat or reheated, such as frozen pizza, fast food, most breakfast cereals, canned soups, desserts, sodas, and salty snacks. These foods greatly affect the health of the body and increase the levels of obesity and heart disease, and can lead to death.

In Brazil, scientists studied mortality rates in 2019 and found that increased consumption of these foods called UPF contributed to more than 10% of all premature deaths.

It also noted that of the 541,260 adults aged 30 to 69 who died early in 2019; Of these deaths, 261,061 were caused by preventable noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The study also found that about 57,000 deaths in the South American country that occurred in 2019 were related to these foods, according to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Ultra-processed foods contain no whole foods and are industrially produced – iStock

This equates to 10.5% of the total number of premature deaths. It also accounted for 21.8 percent of deaths in adults aged 30 to 69 from preventable noncommunicable diseases.

Although the study looked at data from Brazil, the team noted that premature and preventable deaths associated with ultra-processed foods in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia and the UK may be higher; People in these countries tend to eat a diet that contains more UPF.

For his part, the study’s principal investigator, Eduardo AF Nelson of Overisk University’s Center for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health, explained that “UPF consumption is associated with many disease outcomes such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some types of cancer and other diseases,” according to the “eat” website. this not that”.

Canned soup is an ultra-processed food

Canned soup is an ultra-processed food

Similar to using tobacco

“Ultra-processed foods contribute to morbidity and premature mortality much like tobacco use,” said Dr. Dawn Harris Shearling, assistant professor of internal medicine at Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine.

“According to this study using Brazilian data, only about 20% of the participants’ diet was estimated to be highly processed. In the United States, studies estimate that about 60% of the average diet is highly processed.”

Salty snacks - iStock

Salty snacks – iStock

The solution is!

But Schirling, author of Behind Eating Everything: How to Eliminate Additives and Emulsifiers, Heal Your Body, and Reclaim the Pleasure of Food, says avoiding ultra-processed foods is easier than it might first seem!

“We just have to go back to eating the minimally processed foods our ancestors knew how to make (or do today in places like Italy and Spain). Again, we are “Not only do we develop healthy habits, but our taste buds they get used to eating real food and crave it more than super-processed junk foods. We can do that and enjoy real food again.”

It is indicated that “ultra-processed” (UPF) foods are modified to a large extent, chemically processed using methods and ingredients that are not commonly used when cooking at home.

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