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Beware of Early Symptoms of Diabetes, Weight Loss Suddenly Changes Mood

POS-KUPANG.COM – Losing weight due to diet and live exercise program is a natural thing.

However, question big definitely creep in the brain if weight loss happens for no reason.

In fact, the weight loss is around one kilogram it’s probably not something we need to be afraid of.

However, we need to worry if it’s heavy body lost more than four kilograms.

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Because, it can be an early symptom diabetes.

Weight loss because of diabetes could happened relatively quickly – during some weeks to months.

Why diabetes can trigger weight loss?

Weight loss that not Unexplained can occur in people with type 2 diabetes, but is more common in people with type 1.

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Insulin is the hormone that allows body uses glucose (sugar) for energy.

If You suffering from type 2 diabetes, the body does not could use insulin effectively and cannot transport glucose to body cells.

As a result, the sugar actually accumulates in your blood.

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