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Beware of DHF Threatening! – Bromo News

Kraksaan (WartaBromo) – The attack of the Aedes aegypti mosquito carrying the dengue virus that causes dengue fever lurks the residents of Probolinggo Regency. Residents were asked to be vigilant ahead of the rainy season.

Moreover, in the last 3 people, the number of people affected by Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is quite high. From September to early November, it was recorded that 15 residents of Probolinggo Regency were affected by the mosquito bites.

“The number of these cases could continue to grow, because this is still a temporary record. That means we haven’t updated the latest data for this DHF case,” said the Head of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control (P2PM), Probolinggo District Health Office, dr. Dewi Vironica, Friday, November 26, 2021.

From January to early November, there were 131 cases of dengue fever. The details are January 6, February 19, March 53, April 8, May 11, June 19. For July to August 0 cases. Then September 2, October 12 and November 1. One patient died in March.

That number is, indeed, less than the previous year. The number of DHF is 171 with 1 death. Namely the details, January 56, February 45, March 33, April 8 with 1 person died, May 5, and June 3. Then July 5, August 2, September 4, October 2, November 3 and December 5.

“This year’s data is still preliminary. Because it doesn’t include until November 30th. Yes, hopefully it won’t be too severe later on, “continued doctor Viro.

The entry of the rainy season since last September has made his party wary. Usually, the number of people affected by dengue fever increases when the intensity of the rain is high. For example, in September there were only 2 cases, but in October it rose to 12 cases.

Therefore, residents are advised to behave in a healthy manner. By applying 3 M, draining water reservoirs, closing water reservoirs and burying used goods.

“In order to minimize the potential for mosquito larvae to develop. It also reduces the death rate,” said the woman who is also the Spokesperson for the Chief Executive of the Probolinggo Regency Covid-19 Handling Task Force. (cho/saw)

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