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Between social alarms and do-it-yourself justice, at La Rustica there is a hunt for the hooded robber

La Rustica is about who goes there. The anger mounted on social media, fueled by the tam tam in the streets of the neighborhood and by a series of robberies that took place in recent days, have generated a dangerous manhunt scenario. The goal, according to the residents, is to find who is hiding under the hood. A robber who allegedly carried out a series of thefts within a few days in the area of ​​the outskirts of north east Rome.

The conditional, at the moment, is a must because the police who are investigating are doing it with closed mouths. However, there are certain facts that have triggered a domino effect which – also from the point of view of safety – risk generating a phenomenon of do-it-yourself justice. Let’s go in order. La Rustica has been the scene of a series of thefts for days now. Violent robberies told by residents, by a mysterious hooded robber.

There are those who swear they saw it in via Vertunni, via Aretusa, via Dameta and largo Augusto Corelli. But not only that, because the first alert was even released on 18 July. Here the robber with the hood is seen entering, armed with what appears to be a knife, into the garden of an apartment in via Francesco Vitalini. The testimonies are different, as reported by RomaToday, and relaunched – pounding – on the various Facebook groups in the neighborhood and on a chat created ad hoc on Whatsapp.

The beating on the bus

Those who say they have reported the facts to the police, involuntarily, have lent their side to those who thirst for immediate, summary justice. The finger, according to the story of several inhabitants, is pointed at foreigners who live “illegally” in via Costi. The chronicle also tells of a brutal attack that took place in broad daylight on board a bus, that of line 447, between via Delia and via della Rustica. An event that took place a few hours before the publication of our article and exchanged by many, in neighborhood chats, for the arrest of the “nightmare robber” of La Rustica.

Some Italians got on board – some say it was “people from the neighborhood” – who started beating a foreigner. The beating would have taken place in front of the eyes of other passengers. The foreigner did not have any documents with him, therefore, the police could not identify him. Taken in code red to the hospital, he suffered a broken nose.

The police intervened, and investigating, are not unbalanced. It is difficult to say that the attack was the result of a sort of punitive patrol against the alleged hooded robber, but the suspects are there.

The condemnation of the District Committee

The Neighborhood Committee of La Rustica, having heard the news of the beating, immediately wanted to condemn the gesture: “What happened in our neighborhood is difficult to comment on. Some people who have little human have had the” good idea “of massacring kicking, punching and beating a person “held” responsible in recent days for various violent attacks, muggings and thefts. We are in a democratic country and in a state of law in which justice is exercised not in the streets but in the courts. person has the right to a fair trial and years of democratic history have shown that this right has always been recognized even to the most hardened criminals who have committed horrendous crimes. We are close to those who have had the misfortune of being attacked and robbed, not there are justifications in the face of these acts of violence. We understand very well the fear of these people but the comments of those who rejoice in in front of the human butchery that was consumed yesterday. The photos of the massacred boy shot in the chats cannot make us remain indifferent “.

The La Rustica Neighborhood Committee “clearly condemns what happened and invites all citizens to respond not with violence but with participation and collaboration with the institutions. Let’s take to the streets to improve our neighborhood, let’s do it without wait for the answers to our problems to come down from above. Let’s roll up our sleeves and don’t leave the square to all those who respond to violence with more violence. La Rustica deserves something else “.

The resident alarms do not stop

Yet the fear among the residents remains. “There is more than one so the nightmare is not over. My son was robbed the night between Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 in the square in front of the tobacconist, and that’s not what they took yesterday”, assures Catiuscia who adds: “He had a hood of a shirt and a mask I don’t know the color, my son didn’t give me this detail, but he said he was short and from the hood you could see that he had no hair, my son remembers that he had a red bag in his hand “.

Fiorella adds: “I would not like a witch hunt to be triggered. Not everyone is guilty, you have to be sure he is the right person, since the one beaten was not the same as the robbery in front of the tobacconist”. Another girl, however, is of the opposite opinion: “Unity is strength if you go out in 10 you crack him with blows and throw him in a ditch without calling the guards see how it ends”, he writes in a comment to be condemned. But that there is tension is also shown by other posts, such as Marco’s: There are more than one. This he said he sends his friends there. “

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