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between Pfizer and Moderna, the match of the third dose


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The Covid-19 pandemic in FrancedossierAt a time when the government urges the French to take their booster dose to protect themselves and stem the fifth wave of Covid-19, the state of stocks of the star Pfizer worries, while the lesser known Moderna is still struggling to convince. “Liberation” takes stock.

The vaccination campaign for a third dose has been in full swing since November 27, when the vaccine booster was opened to all adults five months after their second injection. About 13 million of them have already benefited from this recall, according to figures from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

In recent days, no less than 700,000 people on average daily push the doors of vaccination centers and pharmacies in France. On Saturday, government spokesman Gabriel Attal even reported a new record: 780,000 vaccinations for Friday alone.

But with the approach of the holidays, a race against time has started, between the virus which is now spreading at full speed (the milestone of 50,000 new cases detected has been crossed), hospitals under the threat of a new saturation and declining immunity of French people vaccinated several months ago. Olivier Véran has set the goal of vaccinating 20 million French people with a booster dose by Christmas.

To boost defenses, hey…

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