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Between concerns and containment measures, the concrete impact of the coronavirus in France

Louvre closed because of staff concerns, shortened agriculture fair, postponed Paris half-marathon: the new coronavirus is starting to have a real impact on the lives of French people, whether because of the measures taken to combat it or the fears it causes.

Hexagon has become one of the main centers of coronavirus in Europe with Italy and Germany, with 130 cases confirmed Sunday evening. Among them, 12 are healed, 2 are dead and 116 hospitalized, of which 9 in serious condition, according to the government.

  • Right of withdrawal at the Louvre

The intensification of the epidemic caused fears among Louvre staff on Sunday: the most visited museum in the world (9.6 million visitors last year) remained closed all day after a right to withdraw from employees .

“There is a real concern on the part of the agents,” said Christian Galani, staff member and national office of CGT Culture. The museum should remain closed on Monday, announces Franck Riester on USAinformations, “the time for a ministerial CHSCT”.

According to the unionist, the staff do not understand why the main measure taken by the government to curb the spread of the virus does not apply to the museum.

  • The concern of the entertainment world

Cancellation of “all gatherings of more than 5,000 people in confined spaces” was announced on Saturday by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran. The latter excluded at this stage the cancellation of municipal elections on March 15 and 22. Also suppressed, gatherings “in an open environment when they lead to mixtures with populations from areas where the virus is possibly circulating”. These measures, decided on Saturday during a Defense Council and an exceptional Council of Ministers, correspond to the transition to stage 2 of the epidemic, on a scale of 3.

The ban “potentially affects hundreds of concert halls in France with more than 5,000 seats, and therefore thousands of cultural events”, worried the production union Prodiss, which brings together producers, broadcasters, halls and festivals .

  • Disturbed sporting events

The Agricultural Show has him closed on Saturday evening with 24 hours in advance and did not experience its usual attendance.

On Sunday, the “Just Debout” hip hop competition planned for Bercy was canceled. Sport is also concerned. The weekend was thus cut off from the Paris half-marathon and the meeting of the French basketball championship between Villeurbanne and Monaco postponed. For the moment, L1 football matches are not in question.

  • Containment measures in Oise and Haute-Savoie

Even more stringent measures have been taken for the two main sources of spread of the virus in France, the Oise (where 36 cases come from) and the commune of La Balme-de-Sillingy in Haute-Savoie, where “all gatherings will be prohibited until further notice. ” The mayor of La Balme-de-Sillingy, François Daviet, announced that he too was infected.

In the Oise, 41 cases have been recorded. In the five municipalities of the department which are particularly affected (Creil, Crépy-en-Valois, Vaumoise, Lamorlaye, Lagny-le-Sec) as well as in La Balme, residents are encouraged to limit their trips and telecommute. The prefect has decided to close schools from Monday in the municipalities of Creil, Lamorlaye, Crépy-en-Valois, Vaumoise, Lagny-le-Sec, Montataire, Villers-Saint-Paul, Nogent-sur-Oise and Lacroix -Saint-Ouen.

In Crépy-en-Valois Sunday morning, the few traders present on the market were evacuated by the police force brandishing a municipal ban. The mayor of the town, Bruno Fortier announced in the evening to have tested positive for the virus.

  • Worry wins overseas

The concern also spreads to the French Overseas three cases have been confirmed in Guadeloupe. In Reunion as in Martinique, clashes opposed the police to demonstrators who fear seeing landed on the island of patients of Covid-19.

One of the challenges for the coming days will be to avoid contamination among healthcare staff. Liberal medical unions have demanded that masks with a high level of protection (known as FFP2) be urgently distributed to healthcare workers, on the front line if the epidemic intensifies.

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