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Bettina Buchanan opens up about the abortion:

The Swedish one TV profiles Bettina Buchanan (27) has embarked on most reality shows, and these days is current with the new venture “Good Luck Guys”.

The 27-year-old first became a familiar face when she appeared in the Swedish version of “Paradise Hotel” in 2016. She has also been seen in the Norwegian version repeatedly, as well as “Ex on the Beach”.

Now the 27-year-old opens up about a hot topic – namely abortion.

«GOOD LUCK GUYS»: During the recording, Bettina Buchanan and Johannes Magnussen were lovers – now they are exes. Video: Prime Video / Klaus Fjellro. Reporter: Celina Morken
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– Was very bad

It’s in the podcast “Sickly honest with Martine”which is led by Martine Halvorsen (25), that Buchanan shares openly that she has previously undergone an abortion – in 2021.

The reality profile explains that she had been on birth control pills for about eleven years, but that for the past six years she had skipped the sugar pills. This resulted in her almost never getting her period.

When she was on holiday on the Greek island of Rhodes in 2019, she suddenly ran out of birth control pills, and it was not just about buying new ones abroad. She therefore decided to wait until she got her period again, and rather fix new pills at home in Sweden.

When Dagbladet picks up the thread, Buchanan elaborates that it took a year and a half before she got her period back.

– I got it back in February 2021, and then I was in Norway and couldn’t get birth control pills there either, because I wasn’t in Sweden. Then I eventually met a boy I met regularly, but we jumped off at the turn, because it felt safer.

Eventually, the 27-year-old went on a ten-week recording of the program “The Challenge” abroad. During her stay, she noticed that something was out of the ordinary, but she did not think that she might be pregnant.

RHODES: Bettina Buchanan, who lives and works in Rhodes this summer, tells of an incident where she was arrested. Reporter: Øystein Andersen. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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– At first I was very nauseous in the morning and my breasts had become gigantic. I gained weight, even though during the recording we worked out practically every day. I don’t eat meat and they didn’t have much to offer in terms of food, so for me it was mostly pasta and potatoes, which I thought was the reason for the weight gain, she explains.

– Bleeding insanely much

The TV recording was finally over and Buchanan turned his face towards Sweden. The day after she got home, she decided to take a pregnancy test to check, and only a short time later it showed that she was pregnant.

The choice to keep the child or not, however, was crystal clear for the 27-year-old.

– For me, it was a matter of course that I would have an abortion, but I thought “hell”. I didn’t want to be pregnant or go through that process, but as soon as the test came back positive I booked an appointment. I never doubted that it was the right choice for me.

CLICK: Bettina Buchanan sees red when Even Kvam makes an inappropriate comment in “Paradise Hotel”. Video: Viaplay / Red Runner
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Furthermore, the reality profile says that she was 15 weeks along, and that she had the abortion in Sweden, where self-determined abortion is legal up to week 18. In contrast to Norway, where it is only legal during the first 12 weeks.

– What did you feel then and there?

– I just wanted to get it done, and was super relieved that I even had the opportunity, because it was so late. On the first day I was given a tablet to stop the development of the fetus, then I was given a pill to take home with me which I had to take on the same day it was to be performed, she says and follows up:

– It takes a few hours before it starts, and as I had been pregnant for so long, labor was initiated and I had to give birth to get the fetus out. I bled an insane amount, so I had to be monitored for a few extra hours, but luckily it went well.

The moment when Buchanan got to see the fetus that one time, she remembers as very emotional.

– When the fetus came out, I was told that I didn’t need to see it, but I felt that I wanted to. It was very clear what it was, even if it was small. And that was the only time I felt it hurt, but I certainly don’t regret my choice. I know very well that I don’t want children, at least not right now.

THIS IS WHAT SHE SHOULD DO: Bettina Buchanan does not have a bad conscience about the outcome in the autumn’s “Paradise Hotel” finale. Video: Viaplay / Red Runner
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– Lost a lot of the joy

In front of Dagbladet, the reality profile reveals that she struggled mentally after she had an abortion. according to Nursing It is quite common for women to have psychological reactions such as anxiety and depression after a spontaneous or induced abortion.

– I was never diagnosed with a diagnosis, but I probably got depression after the abortion. I didn’t know this was a thing, and it felt weird since I was happy with my choice. Now I have understood that you can feel bad mentally after that, and it is only the body that reacts, she explains.

– How long did it last?

– I felt like this for a very long time and didn’t understand that I was going through it. During the period, I lost a lot of joy and felt numb, and rarely went out to do anything. Nothing was fun and I was mostly just at home, then you don’t fully recover either.

SURPRISES: Bettina Buchanan receives international superstar attention. Reporter: Sofie Losen. Video: Steffen Pettersen. Cut: Celina Morken
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It was only afterwards that Buchanan realized how far it had gone. With good support from the people around her, she finally managed to get out of the vicious circle.

– I gained a better understanding of why it was like that. In the end, I forced myself to do things, and I’m usually an extrovert who gets energy from meeting others. Then when I got energy from the outside it got a lot better and I started to feel like myself again.

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