Home » today » Health » Better Don’t Eat It! Diabetics must abstain from these 3 fruits if they don’t want to go to the hospital

Better Don’t Eat It! Diabetics must abstain from these 3 fruits if they don’t want to go to the hospital

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Dried fruit

Gridhype.id- So far fruit and vegetables are known as food ingredients that are good for the health of the body.

But who would have thought, how many types of fruit are actually categorized as unhealthy foods.

It is related to the sugar content and too many calories.

Eating too many foods rich in sugar and calories will cause a number of problems for the health of the body, especially for sufferers diabetes then GERD.

Sufferer diabetes required to regulate diet and daily lifestyle.

Food consumed by diabetics should have low sugar levels so as not to harm the body.

People with diabetes are prone to spikes in blood sugar.

If it happens continuously, then the sufferer diabetes can experience more dire complications.

Reporting from kompas.com, here are some types of fruit that sufferers should avoid: diabetes:

Also Read: Good News for Diabetics, High Blood Sugar Turns Out To Be Overcome Only By Drinking This Cheap Fruit Juice, Here’s How


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