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“Better a Serie A with 16 or 18 teams, we need to give new impetus to this sport”

Interviewed by “DAZN”, Giorgio Chiellini, captain of Juventus and our national team, talks about the necessary renewal that Italian football needs: “I have been talking about it with President Agnelli for a few years. The future of world football is going on. towards a Europeanization of international football. The Juve player, as well as the fans, increasingly wants to play and see European level matches. With all due respect, but the number of teams in the Italian league is too much: the right number would be 18 or maybe even 16 teams, but I think 18 is the right number to get to improve competitiveness and maybe increase European matches. We have reached a point of no return: I believe that institutions, clubs and players must meet to reform the calendar, create new competitions, give new impetus to this sport which for me remains the most beautiful in the world, but in my opinion it can be improved a lot “.

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