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Bethesda develops other mobile games

Todd Howard, executive producer of Bethesda Game Studios, revealed that Bethesda is currently developing other games for mobile devices.

This information was disclosed by Howard when he was interviewed by Lex Fridman on his podcast. If you are interested in Bethesda Softworks games, you can see our other articles here.

Todd Howard: Bethesda develops other mobile games

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Speaking with Lex Fridman on the latest episode of his podcast, Todd Howard said that Bethesda has another mobile game in the works.

Well, we’ve done some stuff and we have a new mobile game in the works that we haven’t announced yet and I’m really excited about it.

Todd Howard, executive producer of Bethesda Game Studios

Howard didn’t provide any other details regarding the genre, release date, etc., but he did hint that it would be a more immersive experience than games meant to be played in such a short amount of time.

We found that with our games, especially Fallout Shelter, people would sit there for 1 or 2 hours. They will sit there and play. A huge number of people will play for hours a day.

Todd Howard, executive producer of Bethesda Game Studios

Fallout shelter when it was released around the same time as Relapse 4. If this new mobile game has anything to do with Starfieldso the game will probably come out in the same year as the RPG.

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