Heifers are shade-loving, they will feel good with rhododendrons, hostas, hearts, astilbes, etc. A large variety of colors is available. Some of the varieties retain their green decorativeness even in the winter months. Likes to grow in permeable, moderately moist soil.

Yews feel best in the shade, semi-shade, they can also be planted in the sun, but then sufficient moisture must be provided. Likes neutral, calcareous or fertile soil. Prolonged dryness does not harm much, but stagnant moisture will not please you. Very slow growing, evergreen shrubs – sometimes trees. All parts of yew (needles, berries, etc.) are poisonous to humans and pets.

Azaleas should be planted in acidic soil. Pine mulch or needles can also be added to provide the necessary acidity. Azaleas can be grown in ceramic pots and taken outside only during the season. In the winter months, keep in a greenhouse or in a cool and ventilated veranda (at a temperature of 8-10 degrees). Azalea formation can be done in early June, but do not fertilize the plant before cutting.

Evergreen rhododendrons need a partial shade, and evergreens need a sunny place. The most suitable shade providers for rhododendrons are all trees with a deep root system – pines, oaks, larch, ash, hawthorn, apple, pear, cherry. Like azaleas, rhododendrons need acidic soil. After flowering, it is important to break off the old inflorescences in order to form new flower buds for the next season.
“We can also recommend large-leaved and oak-leaved hydrangeas, camellias, voles, Japanese quinces. You have to look, because often the plants like partial shade, not complete darkness,” says the gardener.
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2023-05-30 07:02:03
#plant #shade #plants #love #shady #side #garden