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Best selling smartwatch models: Here are the latest figures

With the report prepared by Counter Point Search, smartwatch market shares it became clear. The list prepared focused on the last quarter of 2020 (October-December) that we left behind. In this period, the global smart watch supply increased by 1.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

When a comparison was made between the last quarter of 2020 and the last quarter of 2019, it was seen that 4 companies that were leading in market share kept their place. However, despite being the leader, Apple has experienced a 6 percent drop in its global supply share.

Smart watch market shares published

Looking at the published statistics, it is seen that Apple leads the last quarter of 2020 with 40 percent. Following Apple, Samsung is second with 10 percent, and Huawei is third with 8 percent.

In the statistics, Fitbit ranked fourth with 7 percent, while BBK ranked fifth with 6 percent. The rate of other brands was recorded as 31 percent.

Smartwatch shares were 34 percent for Apple, 9 percent for Samsung, 9 percent for Huawei, 7 percent for Fitbit and 6 percent for BBK in 2019. This shows that Apple, Samsung and Huawei have experienced an increase in rate, and other brands are maintaining the rate. For the last quarter of 2019, the rate of other brands was 35 percent.

Smart watch market building

In the last quarter of 2020, the market share of the brands in the smart watch industry was shaped like this. Apple maintained its leadership by increasing its market share from 34 percent a year ago to 40 percent.

When the global smartwatch supply list was examined, it was determined that Apple increased by 19 percent from 28.4 million to 33.9 million.

Huawei also experienced an increase of 26 percent, from 8.7 million to 11.1 million. Samsung also supplied 9.1 million units for both 2019 and 2020. BBK achieved -9 percent statistics, down from 7.2 million to 6.6 million.

Fitbit also fell -4 percent, down from 6.2 million to 5.9 million. Global supply increased from 59.6 million in 2019 to 66.6 million in 2020. Thus, the supply in the global smartwatch market increased by 11.7 percent.

It is stated that Apple Watch Series 6 and Watch SE models have significant value in the increasing supply of Apple.

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