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Best pension insurance | Free comparison and quote

What is provident insurance?

According to the Evin law of December 31, 1989, provident insurance concerns “operations aimed at preventing and covering the risk of death, risks affecting the physical integrity of the person or related to maternity, risks of incapacity work or invalidity or the risk of unemployment”.

By subscribing to a pension contractyou protect yourself in the event of:

  • Sickness ;
  • Accident ;
  • Death ;
  • Assault ;
  • Etc.

The different types of pension contracts

There is not one, but several insurance contracts classified in the “provident” category. You can sign an individual contract or a collective contract.


Collective pension

This is a contract from which you benefit via your company. The company pension is additional social protection in the event of work stoppage.

When you are off work, you receive daily allowances. These are not sufficient, you are penalized by a loss of salary. The occupational pension allows to’obtain a supplement to benefit from the same income as when you were in office.

Individual pensions for the self-employed

The social protection for the self-employed is weak. Some do not benefit from daily allowances, others suffer from too high a deductible. The financial risk is major in the event of illness, accident, etc.

If you are self-employed worker, providence allows you to hope for compensation during the period during which you can no longer meet your needs. You must choose the right amount of capital, this sum which will be paid to you each month to compensate for the loss. Naturally, the more compensation you request, the higher the amount of the contribution, which encourages many self-employed workers not to take out an individual contract.

GAV individual or family insurance

The life accident insurance is a pension contract. It provides protection against domestic accidents and their consequences, as well as all everyday accidents more generally.


This pension contract protects you and your family, the financial consequences of a burn, a fall, the amputation of a limb, etc. In case of’temporary disabilityd’permanent disability or of deaththe life accident guarantee promises you compensation in the form of capital, the amount of which differs according to the conditions of your contract.

Funeral planning

Le funeral contract forms part of the pension guarantees. It allows, on the death of the insured, to pay capital to a funeral director to cover all funeral expenses.

You determine the amount of funeral insurance according to your wishes and the cost of your funeral determined by your choices (burial or cremation, religious or secular ceremony, type of coffin, etc.).

Death insurance

In the event of the death of the insured (accidental death or following an illness, or even for other reasons depending on the nature of the contract), the death benefit allows the payment of capital to the beneficiaries designated in the contract.

Le capital in the event of death can be paid in one go. However, you have the choice with the death guarantee. The capital built up can be paid out in the form of capital or an annuity. In the second case, it may be a life annuity for the surviving spouse to enable him to maintain a decent standard of living and to compensate for the financial loss linked to your death. It can also be an education annuity to finance your children’s studies.


What deductible for a pension contract?

When you subscribe to a pension contractdepending on its nature, a deductible may be imposed. It is not a financial franchisebut of a temporary deductible, we can then speak of a waiting period. Take, for example, the foresight of TNS. In the event of work stoppage, their contract may provide that the payment of their indemnity only takes place from the 30e day after the cessation of their activity.

Deductibles have an impact on compensationbut they also have an impact on the amount of contributions. The earlier you are compensated, the more you pay.

As for a complementary health insurance or any other insurance contract, it is more than necessary to compare the offers of insurers to find the best pension insurance.

Insurance companies freely compose their offers and define their rates, comparing allows you to find the contract that really suits your specific situation. The goal is to anticipate risk and do everything possible to protect you and your loved ones financially.

Then a pension insurance comparator allows you to find the best price to preserve your budget in the short term.

No longer be afraid to protect yourself against the vagaries of life and take out life insurance to ensure your financial security in any circumstance. Comparing is free and without obligation, do not deprive yourself of this opportunity to be well insured without breaking the bank.

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