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Best National Bank Certificates with a fixed return of 16% | Learn the latest news of the expected interest for the year 2020

The savings certificates are provided by Ahli Bank The Egyptian is the safe way for many citizens, due to its constant interest and high return, and many guarantees and other advantages, especially in light of the banks competing now to attract the savings of citizens and customers in order to provide the best and highest interest rates on savings certificates, bank deposits and savings book accounts, Therefore, we will provide you with the best certificates of the National Bank of Egypt, one of the largest government banks in Egypt.

National Bank’s highest return certificate

Begs the bank Al-Ahly The Egyptian savings certificates with a duration of three years are automatically renewable for a period of only two sessions from the date of issuance of the certificate. It is possible to purchase the savings certificate with a value of up to 500 Egyptian pounds and its multiples, provided that the maximum value of 2500 Egyptian pounds for the value of the certificate, with the possibility of changing according to the offer, demand and procedures of the committee Central bank monetary policies on interest rates

Best National Bank Certificates with a fixed return of 16% | Learn the latest news of the expected interest for the year 2020

It also gives a certificate Ahli Bank The new features are some of the advantages that citizens are attracted to saving their money in banks. Therefore, the new National Bank certificate gives the advantage of issuing a life insurance policy without a medical statement, and at the end of the certification period after three years, the return of 16% is spent, after deducting the insurance premiums from The same return.

National Bank certificate conditions

Give a certificate the bank Al-Ahly The new return is a fixed return and is not a variable for the length of the certificate. Therefore, the bank does not require to open an account with him, provided that the value of the bank certificate is fully recovered + the return at the end of the certificate period, and it is also possible to recover the value of the certificate at any time, but with the value at which the certificate was purchased.

National Bank of Egypt
National Bank of Egypt

At the present time, this certificate remains the highest among government banks in Egypt, and other certificates may be issued in the coming period in order to attract new clients.

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