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Best cure for corona is … a common cold

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Source: BBC News

Today at 3:30 PM–

Scientists may have found a new ally in the fight against the coronavirus. And it is… another virus. According to Scottish research, the rhinovirus, which causes common colds, among other things, could keep Covid-19 out.

It was already known that some viruses compete with each other in order to infect someone. Imagine the cells in your nose, throat, and lungs as a row of houses. Once a virus gets in, it can either open the door to other viruses or block the door so that nothing else can enter. The rhinovirus apparently does the latter.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow have come to this conclusion after having the two viruses mutually fought out in a laboratory. What turned out? If the rhinovirus got a 24-hour head start, Covid-19 had nothing more to do. “This is great news,” said Dr. Pablo Murcia, one of the researchers. “Because a high prevalence of the rhinovirus can stop new corona infections.”

Good news, but unfortunately the beautiful song does not last long. As soon as the cold subsides – and thus the immune response disappears – you again run the same risk as before becoming infected with Covid.

It would not be the first time that the rhinovirus managed to keep a “competitor” in check. Also in 2009, swine flu in Europe was probably delayed by a major outbreak of the rhinovirus.(mtm)

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