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Besançon. Lilian Renaud, tolerance at the heart of his new single

He arrives on the eve of spring, Lilian Renaud is happy with this chance, Who do you love his new single will be on YouTube and dedicated platforms this Friday morning. He announces the upcoming album, May 28, “In a moment of happiness”, if the Covid allows it.

But even more than the coincidence of dates, the young man is happy to highlight a theme dear to his heart, that of tolerance. A subject sung in English therefore, which some reproach him, but Lilian Renaud finds a certain freedom in it. The words came on the music and these phrases said by chance. Him sings in yogurt – he said, to help the melodies to be born, but he is fluent in English, so yogurt sometimes makes sense.

Sharing inculcated in the art of living

Lee Catterson, his studio accomplice, caught the formula on the fly. “At that moment, I recognized that I was working on tolerance, and we continued together in this direction,” explains Lilian Renaud. So goes the process of creation, they had the way, they followed it. “I have already approached this theme, in particular with Je m’appelle Brahim, there it is a question of opening again, of saying that we are all born of a father and a mother, that gives us the capacity to ‘love a blood brother. You just have to go a little further and love beyond all differences ”. Lilian Renaud experienced this reality in family, by the example of his father and his mother precisely, in all the details of everyday life. By sharing inculcated in the art of living.

With a dancer

The clip further emphasizes this need for openness. The singer shows a waterfall, pure flowing water, trees, space as a horizon. We are on the side of Charquemont, it is his country that he defends in a subliminal way, in the images signed by Christophe Roy. Mam, a Bisontin dancer, makes his contribution, in a choreography that touched the young singer. Lilian Renaud found there the echo of his own intentions. “I think that the work of all of us is successful,” he says, feeling that we are doing it right. For the public to judge.

On social networks, he is already expressing his impatience. And even greater to find Lilian Renaud on stage. It is still scheduled for May 22 in Talant and May 29 in Dole. By then, on May 28, the public will also receive “In a moment of happiness”, announced by Who do you love.

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