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Berset: “It’s a period of expectation, hope and fear”

National Holiday

The Federal Health Councilor spoke on the rebound of the pandemic in the country on Saturday, during his speech on August 1 in Ticino.

Federal Councilor Alain Berset went to Ticino in Bellinzona to celebrate August 1 and address the people of Ticino.


Alain Berset has chosen Ticino to express himself on August 1st. It is not an ordinary year or August 1st, he said before recalling that the crisis has not yet been overcome.

After Covid infections remained low for a long time, they have increased since mid-June. “And clearly in recent days”, underlines the Federal Councilor. The cantons report regions where the epidemic is developing and to which they constantly have to adapt their strategy.

The increase is not unexpected as people move and travel more in Switzerland and abroad. “The Federal Council is closely monitoring the situation and is in discussion with the cantons, which take their work very seriously,” said the Minister of Health, wanting to be reassuring.

Cantonal measures

Some cantons have already taken additional measures, such as the canton of Ticino, which limits the number of diners in restaurants to 100. Geneva has even just closed all the clubs.

The objective is to reduce again the number of contaminations and to break the infectious chains. “We know the effective rules of distance and hygiene, if we apply them everywhere and in all circumstances. This is how we all protect ourselves, ”repeated the Fribourgeois.

The virus is still there. “It is a period of expectation, hope and fear.” Switzerland in general is not spared with the coronavirus. “The virus is of course not comparable to world wars. But it has a major impact on our lives. And that spreads great uncertainty. “


The virus has shown the fragility of globalization for a country like Switzerland, one of the most globalized countries in the world with strong export companies and one of the highest densities of multinational companies on the planet.

Internally, it also obliges Switzerland to make its solidarity work. “We have proven that the cohesion of the different parts of the country is strong”, he noted.

On the ground, “in hospitals and nursing homes, great things have been accomplished.” As in many other areas of society and the economy.

Racism debate

In addition to the virus, Switzerland was swept by a debate over racism after the death of George Floyd at the end of May. All wondering if she knew a racism like the one ravaging the United States.

According to Alain Berset, “we often think – or hope – that as a society we have long left xenophobia and certainly racism behind us. But this is unfortunately not the case. “Before proposing ways to avoid structural racism.

To conclude, the councilor wished the population a “particularly pleasant” August 1st. “Because it’s not a year like any other.”


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