Frozen mixed berries recalled by supermarkets due to the possible presence of Norovirus GI, GII and hepatitis A virus. The Ministry of Health has issued a precautionary recall by the manufacturer of numerous lots sold under the Versilfood and Cuor di Scelta brands. The berries in question are marketed under the names Versilfungo SpA and MAXI DI. The expiry date of the packages (which vary from 300 to 1000 grams) varies between 30 October 2025 and 30 December 2025.
Acute gastroenteritis, here’s how the virus that triggers it works
Nicla armor

Here are the lots withdrawn from the shelves
These are the batches of frozen mixed berries pulled from supermarket shelves. If you have purchased one of the products belonging to these lots, the recommendation of the health authorities is not to consume it.
– Mixed forest Versilfood, in packs of 300 grams, with lot numbers 03AURO with best before date (TMC) 30/12/2025, 17MTRO with TMC 30/10/2025, 19NTRO with TMC 30/11/2025, 20NTRO with TMC 11/30/2025, 22 NTRO with TMC 11/30/2025, 30MTRO with TMC 10/30/2025; the recall was also reported by Penny Market;
– Versilfood mixed forest, in packs of 350 grams, with lot numbers 30MTID with TMC 30/10/2025 and 03AUID with TMC 30/12/2025;
– Versilfood mixed forest, in packs of 450 grams, with the batch number 03AURG and the TMC 30/12/2025;
– Versilfood forest mix, in 1 kg packs, with lot numbers 02AUIE with TMC 12/30/2025, 03AUIE with TMC 12/30/2025, 17MTIE with TMC 10/30/2025 and 29MTIE with TMC 30/10 /2025;
– Cuor di Scelta berries, in packs of 450 grams, with lot numbers 02AUSB with TMC 12/30/2025, 16MTSB with TMC 10/30/2025 and 21NTSB with TMC 11/30/2025.
The company Versilfungo Spa produced the recalled frozen berries. The production plant is located in via dei Ghivizzani 84, in Camaiore, in the province of Lucca.
The risks for those who consume them: Norovirus
But what is Norovirus that could infect those who consume berries recalled from the market? Also known as winter vomiting virus or Norwalk virus, norovirus manifests itself with a gastroenteritis and fundamentally affects the environments in which common contexts are created. It is responsible for most non-bacterial diarrhea. Being highly infectious (10-100 viruses are sufficient to cause transmission), it regularly causes infections where people live together in a confined space, in particular in families, communities, hospitals, barracks, cruise ships and kindergartens.
Transmission occurs orally, through contact with the skin (for example dirty hands) or objects, by inhalation (droplets suspended in the air, for example after vomiting) or by ingestion of contaminated food or drink. Norovirus is highly resistant to environmental conditions (temperature variations) and can remain contagious for more than 12 days on contaminated surfaces.
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The consequences of hepatitis A virus infection
Let’s move on to the other virus present in berries that has come under the spotlight, that of hepatitis A. The foods in which it can most often be found are: water; raw/undercooked seafood or fish; raw/poorly washed fruit and vegetables and their derived products; cold ready-to-eat foods (such as sandwiches or delicatessen products) which may be subject to direct cross-contamination, through contact with other foods that carry the virus, or indirect through contact with contaminated and inadequately cleaned utensils or work surfaces.
Hepatitis A is a liver disease from which it is possible to recover completely. And it often passes asymptomatically. Sometimes, after about 15-45 days from contact with the virus, it can cause symptoms such as tiredness, abdominal pain, fever,
loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and jaundice. Furthermore. Furthermore, during the course of the disease, itching, dark coloring of urine and light coloring of feces may appear.
#Berries #recalled #ministry #risk #Norovirus #Hepatitis
– 2024-04-09 12:07:39