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Bernini. Tanguy Koenigsberg, new municipal police officer

Since 1is March, Bernini’s municipal police have a new reinforcement, in the person of Tanguy Koenisgberg, 25 years old.

Originally from Échirolles, Tanguy grew up in Saint-Pierre d’Allevard. After a BTS in management assistant with the objective of opening a bicycle shop, Tanguy changed direction with a commitment to the gendarmerie, in Haute-Savoie. For family reasons, Tanguy wanted to get closer to Grenoble and the Hautes-Alpes, where his partner, gendarme, is from.

Judging the profession of gendarme “too judicial, with less contact with the population”, Tanguy asked for a secondment in the municipal police. This lover of the mountains, hiking and cycling, was able to seize the opportunity of a first job at Bernini. His dearest wish is to establish proximity with the inhabitants within the framework of his missions. From now on, he will support Laurent, Bernini’s other municipal police officer.

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