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Bernie Sanders denounced the homophobic attacks against his rival in the Democratic primary, Pete Buttigieg

Senator Bernie Sanders denounced on Friday the “scandalous” homophobic attacks launched against his Democratic rival Pete Buttigieg by a famous radio broadcaster close to US President Donald Trump.

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American conservative sphere figure, Rush Limbaugh mocked the former mayor of South Bend on Wednesday (Indiana) when referring to him as “This 37-year-old gay boy who hugs her husband on stage.”

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In addition, according to CNN, Limbaugh said that “the US is not prepared to have a gay president”, referring to the Democratic candidate.

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These statements had even more impact because they arrived A few days after a tribute that Trump paid to the announcer. During his speech on the State of the Union before the full Congress, last week, the President awarded Limbaugh the “Medal of Freedom”, the highest civil decoration in the country, and thanked him for his “decades of dedication” to the United States.

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“As precandidates we have disagreements, but personal attacks like these are unacceptable.”said Bernie Sanders.

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“Rush Limbaugh’s homophobic comments about Pete Buttigieg are outrageous and offensive. Together, we will end the divisions and hatred planted by Donald Trump, ”he added.

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Pete Buttigieg did not respond directly to attacks by the conservative animator. On Thursday, during a meeting with several of his voters in Las Vegas, he simply said: “I am proud of my marriage; I am proud of my husband. ”

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Also on Thursday, Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg urged Latino voters to defeat President Donald Trump in the elections next November and put an end to their “disastrous” policies in a meeting organized in Las Vegas by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

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The forum brought the Democrats together to discuss issues of interest for almost half a million Latinos qualified to vote in Nevada in the caucus of the next day 22.

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Sanders is the national favorite among Latinos, with 30% voting intention, ahead of 22% of Joe Biden and 11% of Elizabeth Warren, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center. The Vermont Senator He intervened through videoconferencing and was emphatic in highlighting the need to unite against Trump.

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“It doesn’t matter who wins the nomination for the Democratic nomination, we are all going to work together in a common effort so that Donald Trump does not pass a first term ”, said Sanders, who said he believes he speaks for all applicants.

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