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Bernhard Valta: A Journey of Love and Passion for Latvia’s Songs

A special member of the choir with his very interesting story about how his love for Latvia was born is Bernhards Valta (Bernhard Valta). Conductor Ilze Dūmiņa-Kroja Holzer proudly says: “Many interesting and very intelligent people sing in our choir!” Among the members of the choir are also three pillars of the cultural society of the federal state of Styria “Achteck”.

“Latvian songs have logic, beauty and harmony”

There is nothing particularly unusual at the beginning of the story – Bernhards met a Latvian lady in 2012, but came to Riga in 2013. Among other cultural events, there was also a visit to the Krišjānis Barons museum, as Bernhard was very interested in the topic of folk songs: “The songs fascinated me from the very beginning. After that, when I returned, I also translated several songs with the help of my girlfriend, because I wanted to know what they were about , which is hidden there. I was delighted with what was revealed to me there! Moreover, there are often about seemingly simple things, but they describe life as I also understand and feel it.”

Bernhard Valta

Photo: from the private archive of B. Valtas

Bernhards Valta works in the Styrian Cultural Society. In 2014, when Latvia was the European capital of culture, together with like-minded people, they organized the celebration of the day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on November 18, since then they organize cultural events dedicated to Latvia every year.

But it was still the very beginning, although the heart of Bernhard Valtas had already been captivated by Latvia and our songs. So close that together with three authors, he wrote and published a book dedicated to Latvia in German and Latvian “Vai saranni aspu gali… (“Trägt die Espe rote Spitzen…”), which was ceremonially presented to the Embassy of Latvia in Vienna in 2016. “The book reflects my impressions of Latvia, it is the vision of Latvia and Latvians through the eyes of an Austrian. But the basis of everything, the beginning of everything was your songs!” says Bernhard excitedly.

A book about Latvia initiated by Bernhard Valtas and published together with three other authors.

Photo: from the private archive of B. Valtas

A book about Latvia initiated by Bernhard Valtas and published together with three other authors.

Photo: from the private archive of B. Valtas

Bernhard had more Latvian acquaintances, he participated in Latvian holidays. Until once an acquaintance said – listen, the Latvian choir is looking for singers! “I’ve been involved in music a little all my life, I asked my friend Osvalds if he wanted to join, and that’s how we ended up in the Latvian choir. In 2018, we were already at the Song Festival. I can’t describe the feeling, I was shocked in a positive sense – by the amount of people, about discipline. It was one of the most beautiful days of my entire life. I still feel a great sense of happiness when I think about it. I’m less nervous when I’m waiting for this holiday, but I’m still filled with great joy for the opportunity to participate in it all. The songs of the Latvian choir are indescribable to me I like it. I also like the combinations of voices, they are so interesting! We also have song endings for choirs, but they are relatively simple. But here the voices alternate, cross, one starts, then the other. I have not studied music, but the longer I sing in a Latvian choir , the more I see and feel in these songs an internal and also close to me logic, there is such beauty, harmony,” says Bernhards Valta. His Austrian friends are surprised by his passion, but: “At the moment, the Baltic countries are quite fashionable, many go there, it’s the new trend!”

“I came with a friend… and I stayed”

Oswald Schechtner (Oswald Schechtner) came to the choir after being approached by his friend: “He doesn’t seem to want to come alone, but if I were willing, then I could do it together. In 2018, I was at the Song Festival, I was absolutely thrilled, it’s fantastic!” Osvalda’s wife, whose zero got the Latvian national costume, will also take part in this celebration.

He says – unfortunately, as a result of the Second World War, classical choral singing was perceived ambiguously in Austria as well, because at that time it was used by the fascist regime for its political purposes. At the moment, of course, there are choirs in Austria, but the choir movement is not nearly as developed as in Latvia.

Osvalds Šechtner and his wife Doris, who also sings in the Latvian choir of Graz, are looking forward to going to Riga.

Photo: Photo from the private archive of O. Schechtner

“To my ears, Latvian choir songs are much more pleasant than Austrian choir songs. In comparison, they seem a little boring. Latvian songs are beautiful, interesting, melodic. There are so many songs that stick and resonate in the ears for a long time! I translated the songs before and I know what they are about they are. The pronunciation is not so bad either,” Osvalds laughs.

“I have Linu’s shirt and Namei’s ring!”

Graz is lucky – it is one of the cities where culture is respected, besides, professional Latvian musicians (of course, not only) live there, who are a great support for the choir. The choristers are motivated, encouraged, taught and inspired by the conductor Ilze Dūmiņa-Kroja Holcer, who seems to have inherited her passion and skill from her father, the chief conductor of the Song Festival, Jānis Dūmiņa.

Pianist Ieva Oša is also one of the “support team”, her son, cellist Raimonds Ledickis also sings in the choir (Raimond Leditzky). “My mother won the Schubert competition in Graz and came here to study. She married an Austrian scientist from Salzburg, and I was born!” Raymond laughs. He has chosen Latvian as the language of communication. The excellent knowledge of both languages ​​is also useful in the choir: “I can help the Austrian singers with pronunciation!”

“We travel to Latvia every summer. Most of our friends are also from there. But in general, I am very proud to say in Austria that I am Latvian, and in Latvia that I am Austrian. It is not a problem. We can easily find a topic of conversation with Latvians in Latvia, many quite a lot who knows about Austria, at least they’ve been skiing! For the Austrians, I tell them about the nature and culture of Latvia. Singing is not so serious here, sports are more popular here.”

Raimonds Ledickis

Photo: from R. Ledicka’s private archive

This is Raymond’s first Song Festival. Otherwise, the memories are only from my childhood, when I was in the audience: “I can’t describe what I experienced with words, I just remember that I was very excited and excited!”

Shortly before the holiday, during the conversation, Raymond didn’t have a national costume yet, and he laughed that he would focus on creativity, borrowing something from the Austrian national costume: “But I do have a linen shirt. And a Namei ring!”

“I want to indulge in feelings”

A professional Austrian musician also sings in the Latvian choir of Graz. Reinhard Ziegenhofer (Reinhard Ziegenhofer) is a certified jazz musician, but composes a lot of chamber music, also plays ethnomusic, so-called world music and other styles.

“Ilze was at the summer choir week, and the choir also sang one of my compositions. They asked me – maybe you yourself want to join us? And so here I am!” recalls Reinhardt, who is also active in the Styrian Cultural Society. “I find Latvian choral music to be very beautiful. Many voices. Of course, I have a hard time with the lyrics!”

Reinhard Ziegenhofer

Photo: Gernot Muhr

Reinhardt likes folk songs best, which are treated in a somewhat classical manner: “You have to put in a little effort to learn them, but you can still feel the presence of this folk, folk music.”

This is Reinhardt’s first festival of Latvian songs and the first time in Latvia. He has a peculiarity – when he goes to a place or an event for the first time, he doesn’t think much about it beforehand, so as not to overshadow his impressions. This time too, the artist wants to indulge in feelings and adventure.

Three Austrian gentlemen are already in Riga.

Photo: from the private archive of O. Schechtner

2023-07-02 12:42:26
#Austrian #singers #delighted #Latvian #choir #songs

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