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Bernese Culture Prize goes to the «Helvetiarockt» association

The “Helvetiarockt” team (right) and the Günther couple (left) on the site of a stone processing company in Bern-Bethlehem.


The «Helvetiarockt» association receives the Bernese Culture Prize 2020. It is honored for its struggle for a higher proportion of women and more diversity in the Swiss music industry.

As the cantonal education and culture department announced on Wednesday, the proportion of women on Swiss festival stages is around 15 percent, and around two percent in music production. In order to change that, «Helvetiarockt» supports young women with offers for the next generation, sensitizes the music industry and networks professional musicians.

The latter offer young women a series of workshops in the areas of songwriting, DJing, beatmaking and band workshops, thus strengthening the next generation.

«Helvetiarockt» has also created a leaflet with which festivals and clubs can organize their communication and program in a more diverse way, and launched the digital platform «musicdirectory.ch» in four languages. With all its activities, the association campaigns for more equality in the music world across Switzerland and thus strengthens the industry, the canton of Bern reports.

Cultural mediation award for choir directors

The cantonal cultural mediation award goes to the management team of the Bern Minster Children’s and Youth Choir, Johannes and Katrin Günther. You have been teaching spiritual and secular choral music to children and young people since 2003.

Together with them, Johannes and Katrin Günther have built up a repertoire that ranges from Gregorian chant to the works of well-known masters (Bach, Mendelssohn) to world premieres and spirituals.

No public award ceremony

The Culture Prize of the Canton of Bern is endowed with 30,000 francs, the cultural mediation prize with 10,000 francs. Due to the corona pandemic, the award is not publicly awarded.

However, the cultural promotion of the canton of Bern had short film portraits of the award winners created in order to present the latter to an interested public. These can be found on the internet video platform Youtube.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HONOm5RvmaQ / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gErfJbMpw6Y

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