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Bern elections: Is Alec von Graffenried at risk of being voted out?

The elections on November 24 could significantly change the political landscape of the city of Bern: According to Sotomo’s survey, local councilor SP Marieke Kruit has a clear chance to win the city council with 44 percent and is well ahead on mayor Alec von. Graffenried (GFL), which comes to only 26 percent.

BärnToday: Was such a clear direction expected for Marieke Kruit?

Mark Balsiger, political scientist: Mareike Kreuit’s strongest party, the SP, is behind her, with around one in three voters in Bern. She probably has a majority of women behind her too, and that’s her two extra points. As for Alec von Graffenried, on the other hand, he has shown himself from time to time during his eight years in office, which is now reflected in Sotomo’s study.

So is the race over already?

Balsiger: The survey was conducted in October. That was a while ago and does not reflect what has happened since then or what may happen in the next three weeks. Different things can still happen – even in the city of Bern. I find it hard to imagine that the current incumbent, Alec von Graffenried, will give up after the first round of voting. He will assume that most of the votes for Mr. Weyermann and Ms. Mettler will come to him later and therefore the race will be more open than is expected now.

According to the study, Alec von Graffenried could even leave the local council. How likely is that?

Balsiger: It’s a head-to-head race. What matters is which camp makes the most of the next three weeks so that you can then cross the finish line in third place safely.

2024-11-04 17:18:00
#Bern #elections #Alec #von #Graffenried #risk #voted

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