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Bern: Breitenrain becomes a major construction site: Radio BeO

The last objections are off the table, the building permits have been received: Construction work in connection with the “Dr nöi Breitsch” project will also begin in the area of ​​Breitenrainplatz and Rodtmattstrasse. In order to be able to complete the renovation by the end of 2022, work will be carried out in parallel at several points on the Kornhausstrasse – Moserstrasse – Rodtmattstrasse axis. The result: the “Breitsch” becomes a major construction site – with numerous restrictions for the neighborhood population

The “Dr nöi Breitsch” project includes the renovation of the Tramin infrastructure, the redesign of the street area and the renewal of the sewer system and utility lines in the Breitenrain district. After work on Viktoriaplatz began in September 2020, it will also start in the summer of 2021 in the Breitenrainplatz and Rodtmattstrasse area. The latter had to be postponed several times due to objections – the building permit has now also been issued for this section.

The renovation work in Breitenrain is not only very extensive, it is also urgently needed: the sewer lines are over 100 years old, the tram tracks have reached the end of their useful life, the road space design is strongly geared towards car traffic. Since the summer of 2018, works lines and a section of track had to be emergency refurbished at various points in order to continue to guarantee security of supply and tram operation.

Now that all building permits have been received, work is proceeding swiftly and along the entire Kornhaus, Moser and Rodtmattstrasse axis. The aim is to keep the construction time as short as possible and to complete the renovation by the end of 2022. Because work is being carried out on several construction sites at the same time, everyday life in the neighborhood is severely impaired for almost two years. The effects of the work will be particularly felt between July 2021 and September 2022.

The sequence of work is basically the same on all sub-construction sites: First, the utility lines for water, electricity and gas are renovated. The work will then shift to the road surface: During the intensive construction phase, the tram tracks will be replaced and the street space will be renovated. This is followed by the surrounding and greening work. In addition to the utility lines, the sewer lines will also be replaced in the north of Breitenrein. This is done – as in 2016/2017 in the Viktoriaplatz area – by means of so-called microtunnelling. A remote-controlled tunnel boring machine creates the canals underground; only the start and target shafts are dug. This significantly reduces the burden on the neighborhood and traffic.

Most of the utility and sewerage works take place under traffic. However, road users must temporarily expect partial closures and limited space – and for safety reasons Tempo 30 applies.

Tramin infrastructure, street space and squares will be renewed in two intensive construction phases. They will take place from July 5 to October 10, 2021 in the Kornhausstrasse – Viktoriaplatz – Moserstrasse section and around a year later, from July 11 to September 16, 2022, in the Breitenrainplatz – Rodtmattstrasse area. During the intensive construction phases, the restrictions for the quarter are great: the construction areas must be closed to both private and public transport and the parking spaces must be closed – only the sidewalks remain accessible. Provisional solutions are offered for deliveries, access for the blue light organizations is guaranteed at all times. The intensive construction phases are associated with a lot of noise and dust as well as extensive construction activity – work is done from Monday to Saturday, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Individual night and Sunday work are also unavoidable.

During the extensive construction work, numerous parking spaces in the Breitenrain district have to be closed, both in the area of ​​the construction sites and on the diversion routes. Because there is not enough space in the quarter to create replacement spaces, around 100 replacement parking spaces will be made available on the barracks area from summer 2021 to the end of 2022. A large construction site installation with office / team containers and material depots is also being built here.

As part of the “Dr nöi Breitsch” project, interventions in the green space are unavoidable for various reasons. Certain trees have to give way for remodeling work or for reasons of traffic safety, others have been in poor condition for a long time. In the Kornhausstrasse – Moserstrasse area, eleven felling had already been carried out in autumn 2020. In February 2021, three trees will be felled in front of Migros on Breitenrainplatz, and three more will have to give way in Stauffacherstrasse in the area of ​​the new bus stop by February 2022. All trees will be replaced by new plantings in the immediate vicinity after the construction work is completed. In total there will one day be 62 more trees in the entire project perimeter than today.

After the work is completed, the district’s security of supply and a secure Tramin infrastructure will be guaranteed for many years. In the future, all stops will be designed to be barrier-free and the spaces will be upgraded. Viktoriaplatz will be easier to drive as a junction with a roundabout, and the additional green area of ​​Breitenrainplatz will improve the quality of life.

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