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Berlusconi’s joy in the stands- Corriere.it

from Monica Colombo

Piza-Monza ends 3-4: Machin and Gytkjaer respond to the goals of Torregrossa and Hermannsson, but at 90 ‘Mastinu opens for extra time. Marrone and the Dane sign the promotion

PISA In the same stage where Sacchi’s Milan in September 1987 began the championship ride with an away victorySilvio Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani realize the dream cherished since September 2018, when Fininvest acquired the club at the time in Lega Pro. After Lecce and Cremonese, Monza at the end of a daring match, sweaty, painful, drawn to the last sigh, detaches the last pass for Serie A, already dreaming of suggestive derbies with Milan.

For Silvio, more nostalgic than ever for the crowds that football guarantees, the Monza project is now an opportunity to set up a competitive team, with a budget that is not a neo-promoted one to pursue European goals as well. For Galliani, a fan of Monza since he was a child, led to the old Sada at the hand of her mother Annamaria, a circle is closed: to lead the team of your heart where it has never been more than a successful sporting goal.

Yet to reach the finish line it took 120 minutes and a massive dose of nerve. The nightmare boot. After 52 seconds, Pirola falls asleep in his own area allowing Torregrossa to score undisturbed by two steps. The stadium is a maddening pitwhile the Stroppa team dazed seems hostage to the curse Pisa: in 2007 the Brianza lost the playoff playoff for the B in this stadium. the network of 2-0 thanks to Hermannsson: the 9 ‘and with this result the players of Pisa are promoted to Serie A. Too bad to be true: after the two slaps that have the effect of an electric shock, Monza reacts and in the first half with Machin reopens the match. The very high tension is anything but simple for Mariani rule the game.

The Tuscans rely on aggression and football fast and furious, Monza relies on the qualities and the dribble of his team. In the second half, after the cross of Puscas Gytkjaer, the Dane who arrived in Monza as top scorer in the Polish championship, to blow up the red and white bench. Make the equal goal e the much coveted enterprise seems to be just around the corner. The stadium falls silent until, at expiration of regulation time, as had already happened in Monza in the first leg, Pisa finds the goal of the advantage with Mastinu.

In a facility where security is not the flagship (repeated threats to non-local journalists) the game slips towards extra time: Marrone brings the challenge back to level until the Viking Gytkjaer (the forward whose Norwegian fiancée spends six months a year on fishing boats) catches the fourth goal that sends Monza to heaven.

In the afternoon upon arrival in Pisa, Silvio with his girlfriend Marta had allowed himself an afternoon as a tourist, among the selfies in front of the Tower and an ice cream at the bar of the Opera Museum. The night ends in a wild bunch of hugs in the stands


May 29, 2022 (change May 29, 2022 | 23:37)

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