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Berlusconi’s fortune teller: Bulgaria will have a female president and prime minister – Society

  • 01 February 2023

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  • “Bulgaria will wake up with a woman prime minister and a woman president, at different stages, and it will not be the same person. There will be no presidential republic, who said that. This is what fortune teller Teodora Stefanova predicted on the air of 7/8 TV.

    By 2025, we will be spinning in a spiral of elections. What lies ahead on April 2, the picture will be no different. The union of DB and PP that is now happening, God forbid that I be wrong and be a bad prophet. I want things to happen in the best way. But unfortunately there will be betrayals, there will be things that will not be in the same direction to find a consensus of programs and understanding and it will not last very long. We will again be one step away from a cabinet as it was now, this time some government will happen, which will not be permanent, but with a very short term, 7-8 months to a year”, she also said.

    “In 2024-2025, the Bulgarians will find their own leaders. The leader will choose Bulgaria, he is not in this environment at the moment that we are seeing at the moment.

    In these elections it will be very interesting, some parties will be very surprised by the results, there will be a reshuffle. The DPS is coming very far ahead, with the BSP they will chase them. GERB-SDS will be the first political force.

    There will be a new entity in the next election. There is no strong left and right now, but there will be in 2024-2025. In the next election, not now on the second of April, there will be two brand new parties. You have not heard their names as leaders before, there are both men and women, young people, very intelligent. This will lighten the political situation. And the main parties will be worried,” added Stefanova.

    “We will enter Schengen and we will enter the Eurozone,” she said categorically.

    Berlusconi’s fortune teller surprised with a prediction for the new prime minister of Bulgaria

    “There will come a time when the rights of the Bulgarians who live in Macedonia will be recognized. And the hatred will finally stop. Bulgaria will be an important factor and will play a key role,” added the fortuneteller.

    “Republicans will certainly rule in America in the future,” she added.

    “This year they will stop hostilities. By the end of the year, there will be 2-3 important steps, negotiations will begin. Neither in Russia nor in Ukraine will there be a change of power this year. However, neither Zelensky nor Putin will remain in power through 2024. Europe will be transformed, the Balkans will become very strong. Bulgaria will become a key factor in the Balkans,” she pointed out.

    “Silvio Berlusconi also sees many things like me, he feels them. He also has some alien presence. The energy itself is felt. He is not narcissistic, he stops in front of everyone. He has a huge good heart. The writings about some bunga parties are fictions”, she was categorical the personal fortune teller of the former Italian Prime Minister and former owner of Milan.

    “I also said that Italy would wake up with a female prime minister. It happened,” she added.

    Tsvetelina Kirilova


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