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Berlusconi, Zangrillo speaks: “First he was asymptomatic then hospitalization and bilateral pneumonia”

“The hospitalization of Silvio Berlusconi it was necessary because it was considered a patient at risk for age and for previous pathologies that are known to all of us. But the situation is calm and comforting. He is not intubated and he breathes spontaneously. “To report on the condition of the Forza Italia leader, was his doctor, professor Alberto Zangrillo, head of the intensive care unit of San Raffaele, during a press conference from the hospital where the former premier has been hospitalized since last night after testing positive for Covid. “Not in intensive care but in a normal hospitalization regime, in his room “, added Zangrillo. Berlusconi, in fact, si is located on the sixth floor of the Diamante pavilion, the solvents section, in a mini-suite, the same where he spent his convalescence after the operation at the heart of June 2016.

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The swab pharyngeal nose to which Silvio Berlusconi was subjected on September 2 “was scheduled. We detected a positivity in a subject that I defined asymptomatic. In a few hours, yesterday, in a situation of absolute tranquility, I decided to pay a visit and I found a mild pulmonary involvement – explained Zangrillo – The hospitalization regime is normal. The parameters are reassuring and make me feel optimistic for the next hours and days “.

The San Raffaele head physician added: “All the narratives relating to oxygen therapy supports would also be plausible, but today they belong to someone’s imagination. There would be nothing wrong with doing it. Silvio Berlusconi’s mood is not the best. And mine too”. Then he specified: “There is a significant share of asymptomatic-positive subjects, the large majority, but in a situation like the one that has arisen this summer, there are people who may have mild symptoms, as in the case of Silvio Berlusconi , who has a slight pulmonary involvement. The previous clinical picture and the age of the patient require absolute caution “, reiterated Zangrillo, recalling that,” in a few days Berlusconi will be 84 years old. I imposed myself in establishing a regime that involves rest absolute, which is probably the therapy he needs most. It was not at all easy to convince him, I had to insist on hospitalizing him, especially tonight. But as always, the man is very ready and intelligent. Once he was informed of what was about him, he agreed and is happy with the decision. He will stay here for a few days “.

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On the fact that Zangrillo had said in May that “the virus is clinically dead”, today the professor admitted that he “used a strong and out of tune tone but that photographed what we observed and observe today”. And that is that for months “we have not admitted patients with primary complications from covid 19 here to San Raffaele.” I do not deny that the virus exists and has lethal complications but I was the first to say that we have to live with it. In the next few days I foresee further infections but I hope contained in the subclassification of the symptomatic “.

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Under his pavilion, since this morning there has been a coming and going of nurses and doctors and journalists waiting for the official communications from his doctor that arrived in the afternoon. Some visitors stopped intrigued by the presence of the cameras. But no supporter of the former premier presented himself with banners of support or in person as often happened in previous hospitalizations.

The leader of Forza Italia he had revealed Wednesday to have tested positive for Coronavirus and like him his children Luigi and Barbara. Yesterday he had made it known that you no longer have symptoms, then the visit to Zangrillo’s home who confirmed that he had carried out a CT scan before admission and had found traces of early bilateral pneumonia. Berlusconi arrived at the hospital around midnight walking independently and apparently initially showed only a few flu symptoms. Also Marta Fascina, Berlusconi’s girlfriend, tested positive.


It has not been clarified where the Knight may have become infected, although the prevailing hypothesis is that the infection occurred on Capri during a meeting with the children. In a note, Forza Italia clarifies: “While understanding the legitimate reasons of the press, we invite you to respect the president’s privacy also to avoid rash, inaccurate and alarmist news. All news relating to the president’s health will be disseminated through official communications in due course update due to the media by Prof Zangrillo starting at 4 pm. Any other reconstruction and any other detail read in these hours (which we hope not to read any more) relating to the clinic and the course is to be understood as arbitrary, not confirmed “.


The spokesman for Prime Minister Conte Rocco Casalino is also hospitalized at San Raffaele, where he underwent an operation for the removal of a cyst in the jaw. He should be discharged as early as the next few hours and return to Rome soon to return to support the Prime Minister.

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