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Berlusconi Considers Replacing Ilary Blasi with Luxuria as Island of the Famous Host: Rumors and Denials

Dagospia drops the bomb: the separation gossip (told on Netflix with Unica) will cost Ilary dearly. Berlusconi thinks of Luxuria as host (but she denies it).

Published on: 4 January 2024 05:40:00

Social Media Manager & Copywriter

A boundless passion for TV series. Degree in Cinema, Television and New Media, videomaking and writing are my favorite pastime.

The recent death of Silvio Berlusconi has led to a profound and evident change in the management of Mediaset. Piersilvio Berlusconi, eager to make his mark in the world of television entertainment, took significant decisionsincluding the removal of Barbara D’Urso from Pomeriggio Cinque to give Canale 5’s afternoon a less trashy and more journalistic edge thanks to the hosting of Myrta Merlino. If this revolution has generated a profound discussion among fans, it would appear not to be the last. In fact, it seems that a new change of direction is also about to involve the management ofIsland of the Famous, con Ilary Blasi now at risk of being replaced.

Ilary Blasi, the management of the Island of the Famous is at risk

According to a background story launched yesterday afternoon by Dagospia, the possibility of Ilary’s exit from hosting the castaway reality show (which she has been helming since 2021) seems to be linked to various factors. First of all, the choice to let go Unique – the doc with which offers Blasi’s truth about the breakup with Totti – on Netflix, a gesture that nowas not well received by Piersilvio Berlusconi, considering the direct competition with Mediaset’s streaming platform, Infinity TV. Furthermore, Berlusconi’s intentions to definitively eliminate trash from Mediaset networks may have an impact on permanence of Ilary leading the reality show.

Ilary Blasi’s personal situation, with the recent divorce from Francesco Totti and the resulting gossip, does not help her position. The transformed public image seems not to be in line with the new direction that Berlusconi wants to give to Mediaset programming.

Vladimir Luxuria and possible involvement in the project

Furthermore, Dagospia has also revealed the hypothesis of a possible replacement for Ilary Blasi as host of Island of the Famous, who could be Vladimir Luxuria, a true veteran of the program in which many people participated: competitor (he won the 2008 edition ), correspondent on site (2012) and commentator in the studio (in 2017 and in the two-year period 2022-2023). It even seems that Berlusconi has already entrusted the former parliamentarian a zero bet to test her skills as a presenter. This move could be part of the broader plan to de-trash the Mediaset networks wanted by Berlusconi.

Ilary Blasi, in this context of changes and uncertainties, seems to find herself in a delicate position. His media transformation, the release of the documentary on Netflix and Berlusconi’s intentions to radically change the tone of television programming could lead to his replacement as manager of the Island of the Famous. Furthermore, the transformation of this character from a media point of view, including criticism and comments on his image, adds an element of uncertainty regarding his continued hosting of the Mediaset programme. In short, to be sure of a change on the horizon, all that remains is to see if the qualities of Vladimir Luxuria, proposed as a possible successor, will be able to convince Piersilvio Berlusconi to make this significant decision for the future of the reality show. For the moment, however, these are only unconfirmed rumors. Indeed, in reality there is also a denial to be noted, that of Luxuria, who when asked by Fanpage clarified by denying the rumors circulating about him. “There is nothing true and in fact, I would be happy to remain a commentator alongside Ilary Blasi”, he declared yesterday afternoon. Even the Mediaset top management they deny unofficially regarding an imminent change in the management of the Island of the Famous. It remains to be seen whether these are cosmetic denials or full confidence in Ilary’s abilities.

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2024-01-04 05:40:00

#Ilary #Blasi #loses #Island #Unica #replaces

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