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Berlin fears that aid to Ukraine could lead to a third world war

Berlin said that “Ukraine itself will determine what will be a successful end to the war for it.”

In the fourth month of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of the territory of independent Ukraine, Germany doesn’t do his best to help Ukraine, so as not to provoke the start of a third world war.

This opinion was expressed by the Minister of Economics of Germany Robert Habek, reports Bild.

According to the minister, the maximum assistance of Germany to Ukraine would mean its entry into this war against the Russian Federation and would threaten to escalate – up to the third world war.

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“We are not doing everything possible … We do not want and should not become participants in the war. Not only because of fear for the lives of our soldiers who will die on the battlefield, but also because in this way we will pave the way for a global war. Therefore, we do not we are doing everything we can, but we are doing everything we can responsibly do now to help Ukraine,” Khabek explained.

Habek noted that Berlin “supports Ukraine for its military purposes” and assured that “Ukraine will determine for itself what will be a successful end to the war for it.”

“Successfully ending the war means not losing. Victory is an open concept. I don’t want to speculate what all this might mean, but there are many ways to successfully end this war … At some point, there will be a diplomatic opportunity. Of course, this opportunity can appear only when Putin can no longer win militarily,” Khabek stressed.

What came before:

The German publication Welt published documents indicating that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz refused to supply Ukraine with heavy weapons like tanks and armored personnel carriers, referring to agreements with NATO allies. At the same time, the country has hardly supplied light weapons since the end of March.

According to the list, Germany sent 3,000 anti-tank mines and 1,600 specialized directional anti-tank mines in mid-May. But the first delivery, sent to Ukraine a month earlier, contained only spare parts for machine guns, incendiaries, detonation cords, radio stations, hand grenades, explosive charges and mines.

According to the Ukrainian side, the last delivery of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons from Germany took place more than two months ago – on March 25. The aid included 2,000 Panzerfaust 3 missiles and 1,500 Strela anti-aircraft missiles.

However, according to the Ukrainian list of March 29, the need for these munitions still remained. The soldiers also needed anti-ship missiles of the Harpoon type.

On May 29, 2022, German Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck denied some media reports about country’s sluggish position on military assistance to Ukraine in the confrontation with Russia.

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