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Bergdoktor (ZDF): First day of shooting with sparkling wine in a coffee mug at a service station

Dr. K meets only friend again

In the “Bergdoktor” mask there is birthday champagne for Ronja Forcher.

© Screenshot Instagram/Ronja Forcher

Start of shooting for the “Bergdoktor” summer successes! Hans Sigl reveals the cast in season 15 – and behind the scenes there is something to celebrate.

Elmau – The wait is over! On the set of the “Bergdoktor” it gets turbulent again. Start of shooting for the 15th season! The series story continues in familiar surroundings at the Wilder Kaiser. Well-known faces like Hans Sigl, Ronja Forcher, Heiko Ruprecht, Andrea Gerhardt and Taneshia Abt should not be missing.

“Bergdoktor” (ZDF): Cast reports back

At the beginning of the shooting, Hans Sigl, alias Doctor Martin Gruber, reported to his fans on social media by video message in front of a mountain backdrop. And colleagues should also speak a few words – obviously to their own surprise. But the cast is up for everyone to have fun.

“So, friends, the time has come: shooting day one. The colleagues are at the start, the mountain is at the start, I’m there too. “Heiko Ruprecht is so taken by the video insert that he asks:” Oh, should I do that now or how? “-” Now wait a minute, you’ve attacked me now, turn it off. ”Sigl doesn’t do it, but thanks and cuts the video. During her attack, Andrea Gerhardt apparently had a lemon in her hand, which she immediately holds into the camera with the words: “Don’t forget, always eat healthy things.”

“Bergdoktor” (ZDF): guest actors known – some faces are still missing

Hans Sigl also announces the guest actors of the first season episode: Jaime Ferkic and Cynthia Micas. And: surprise! Simone Hanselmann will also be there again. In the series, she embodies the ex-girlfriend of the “Bergdoktor”.

But some of the stars are also missed by the fans: Will Natalie O’Hara, Ines Lutz, Monika Baumgartner, Marc Keller and Rebecca Immanuel also get their own greeting video? But there doesn’t seem to be any reason to worry about having to do without the familiar faces: Natalie O’Hara already shared on Instagram that she was looking forward to the “family reunion”. Rebecca Immanuel comments on one of the Instagram clips: “So nice to see you all again! Have fun, we’ll be there soon! “- and Mark Keller posted a selfie of himself with the signature:” DR.K is looking forward to tomorrow because he will meet his only friend again;)) “

“Bergdoktor” (ZDF): Ronja Forcher celebrates with champagne in a service station cup

Ronja Forcher also shares a self-made, good-humored backstage video. In the mask she seems to be having a lot of fun. Because one day before the start of shooting (June 7th) the actress celebrated her 25th birthday. That was of course toasted immediately afterwards – albeit with the typical gray paper cups in which you get your coffee at the gas station and on the boxes with the make-up utensils.

“Bergdoktor” (ZDF): will not follow until 2022 on TV

The Instagram followers are definitely full of anticipation in the comments and can hardly wait until the episodes can be seen on TV. “I’m looking forward to a lot of photos from the set,” writes one. “I’m really happy !!”, another. “The familiar faces are slowly coming in … how beautiful,” someone adds.

The viewers have to be patient a little longer. The currently shot summer episodes will appear on TV from January 8, 2022 ZDF.

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